Off the top of my head, I can name:
-Godsword letter-opener sets
-Figurines of different characters
-Music discs with fully-scored versions of popular RuneScape tracks
12-Feb-2011 18:15:05
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12-Feb-2011 18:16:06
Norm Abram
'7. Have you ever taken part in a community event organised by the Community Management team? If so, which one and how was it? If not, why not'
Yes. I went to the Quest weekend, hoping to get help with a few quests. Problem was that most of the time, the chat was full of level 100s with skill capes chatting at the square around the JMod, and in the end, I just left since I couldn't get help with any quests
Other times, there have been hide and seek events by Player Support. As these are usually at random times, when I caught one, I found it fun as there wasn't a large crowd there, so it was easy to talk to people and to actually participate with a good chance of winning something.
8. If we could buy Betrayal at Falador and it's future sequel in the store that'd be cool. I don't think I'll ever buy clothing from there due to shipping prices -.-
Question 7:
I took part in the 10th Anniversary Drop Parties, and they were loads of fun. I met some great people and had an awesome time doing so, while making a bit of money. ;p
12-Feb-2011 18:15:25
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12-Feb-2011 18:16:42