8. What item would you really love to see in the Jagex Store?
Either a hoody/tshirt/mousemat with skill logo things. Such as things like SkillCapes printed onto the back of them.
12-Feb-2011 18:13:01
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12-Feb-2011 18:15:28
Cam H
Another thing about the Community Management events are the timezones ...
Is THIS a Community Event? Because it would be a good example. It's 2AM-ish where I am now ... not ideal
Have you ever taken part in a community event organised by the Community Management team? If so, which one and how was it? If not, why not?
When I participate in community events, it's in French worlds. The last event that I participate was for the 10th anniversary of RS.
8. What item would you really love to see in the Jagex Store?
coffee cups/ mice/ mouse pads and runescape cards like the ones @ gamestop/target... less clothes more office items even laser pens would be awesome
You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel
Mister Grinch!
12-Feb-2011 18:13:49
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12-Feb-2011 18:14:56
Question 7 (Sorry slow off the mark there!)
Not that I remember =(
I really enjoy talking to J-mods in game though and think its great when you guys come and chat with new updates etc.
Obviously the more of this the better.
Don't really know why I haven't participated in community events in-game. Just been busy at the times or not been that interested I guess.
12-Feb-2011 18:13:50
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12-Feb-2011 18:16:31
8. What item would you really love to see in the Jagex Store?
Customizable t-shirts, mouse-pads, etc.
You may already have it in the Jagex store *I don't really go to there*
Be so cool if I could order something with a clan name or username on it
Mutinous Rcers
Yea I did clue fests of course.
Oh and knowing what time - can RS clocks tell us what time it is so we don't miss things?
And can you send system messages about events or let us opt in to a newsletter in our RS inbox?