My greatest triumph was running through the wildy and not getting attacked. You don't know how much of a relief that was. If you can't tell, I'm not a huge fan of the new wildy.
12-Feb-2011 17:28:54
- Last edited on
12-Feb-2011 17:29:17
The first time i went in the wilderness i acctualy killed someone and got quite good loot.I didnt really finish him off with a rune 2h so i was quite lucky.
Personally, i don't use the facebook or twitter pages, but i love the youtube page! Things i would like to see on youtube in the future are:
-Competitions recorded
-Upcoming update hints
-event invitations
-maybe little runescape shorts about new quests?
What’s been your greatest triumph in the Wilderness since February 1st 2011?
Never been, i never liked PKing. I only go to the wild to runecraft for strange rocks, to kill bork or slayering in tunnel.
Chaos elemental duo - getting 2 dragon 2h swords in 2 days. Was awesome.
Also revenants dropping 3 pvp armour pieces in 2 hours - also good.
PVP wise - as in me killing other players... I would rather not go there. FAIL MUCH
Bringing the wilderness back was definitely a great idea - and its really fun just watching people risk items and have a good time. So again, Thankyou.