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Posts: 353 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
just and update:
the mahjarrat quests were awesome!
the goblin quests were pretty good!
the vampire quests are so ftw i cant wait for the next!
wgs is still the best however! and i want you to release sequals so we can kick luciens buttocks!

12-Feb-2011 19:52:53



Posts: 1,301 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"20. What’s your all-time favourite quest and why?"
I would have to say Desert Treasure, mostly for the access to ancient magicks and the chance to meet a Mahjarrat aligned with Zaros. Come to think of it, I enjoyed The Temple at Senntisten as well for the ability to further work with Azzanadra and establish communication with Zaros.
Still, I really do enjoy my ancient magick spellbook. I just wish I could get away with using it more often. Especially in environments where I don't have to use my own banked rune supply to fuel the spells. :P
The Ghostly Witch King

12-Feb-2011 19:53:10

Fake Walrus

Fake Walrus

Posts: 15,065 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
20. What’s your all-time favourite quest and why?

While Guthix Sleeps. How could anyone give a different answer?
Great storyline, and a lot of it. Most quests are so short that, by the time I really start to get into it, it's already over. WGS managed to grab my attention from the beginning and lasted hours.

12-Feb-2011 19:53:22 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2011 19:54:35 by Fake Walrus



Posts: 359 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And now for all the questions I missed -cracks knuckles-
1. In your opinion, which is the toughest skill to start training?
Summoning. The charms are a PITA to get and the shards are effing expensive.
2. What do you think of our official RuneScape pages on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? What would you like to see from them in the future?
YouTube: m'eh, occasional fun like that trailer, but m'eh.
Twitter: occasionally follow, I loves the hints.
Facebook: I hide from it.
3. What’s been your greatest triumph in the Wilderness since February 1st 2011?
Finding the elusive wildy penguin!
4. If you are a PKer, are you a lone wolf or do you hunt in packs?
Not really a PKer.
5. Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
Fun's the third option, which is Dungeoneering's. Everything else is 'get it done so I can quessst', so efficiency.
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
I don't 'hang out' in RS, really. If I'm not doing something I'm offline.
7. Have you ever taken part in a community event organised by the Community Management team? If so, which one and how was it? If not, why not?
Not that I can recall. Can't be bothered to show up, mostly.
8. What item would you really love to see in the Jagex Store?
Ambivalent, since I can't buy. But, if I could, bookbags with various God symbols on them. No RS logos except on the inside -shiftyeyes- symbols are injokes, logos are targets for annoying people to mock you. Esp. Zaros symbol. Zaros is awesome.
Nerding out over RS quests since 2004

12-Feb-2011 19:53:34



Posts: 1,652 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While Guthix Sleeps!!!
Amazing storyline
Hard requirements
Phenomenal reward - was brilliant - love those demons!
Mournings end part 3 would be my favourite.... but that doesn't exist!! CMON GUYS! we been waiting long enough =) Elven storyline is amazing I really want to get into prifddinas!

12-Feb-2011 19:53:42



Posts: 1,425 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
20. What’s your all-time favourite quest and why?
its really difficult to choose but i have to say temple at sennisten because it had literally everything!
a mahjarrat, a boss fight, a new area, new lore and amazing rewards!
im so excited about ROTM ^_^

12-Feb-2011 19:53:44

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 173 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. In your opinion, which is the toughest skill to start training? NOW CLOSED
-- um.. rc maybe, because its slow and u need need tali's
but maybe dung, cus thats hard to explain how to play and become good. but more dung over rc.
2. What do you think of our official RuneScape pages on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? What would you like to see from them in the future? NOW CLOSED
--dont use them, because i'm not sad and want be apart of rs on facebook and see tall there updates when i can go on homepage...
3. What’s been your greatest triumph in the Wilderness since February 1st 2011? NOW CLOSED
--nothing!! BECAUSE I AM AGAINST THE WILDY if u didnt read all my comments on fourms!!, and like i said already on this forum, make every 1 happy, make abyss at wildy wall and build that chaos tunnel shortcut u PROMISED, or bring a few none wildy worlds. that had there own worlds to fight in, y do they need 'just the wildy' -.-
4. If you are a PKer, are you a lone wolf or do you hunt in packs? NOW CLOSED
--none, because i hate pkers, and wildy back is stupid idea..

12-Feb-2011 19:54:13

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