And now for all the questions I missed -cracks knuckles-
1. In your opinion, which is the toughest skill to start training?
Summoning. The charms are a PITA to get and the shards are effing expensive.
2. What do you think of our official RuneScape pages on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? What would you like to see from them in the future?
YouTube: m'eh, occasional fun like that trailer, but m'eh.
Twitter: occasionally follow, I loves the hints.
Facebook: I hide from it.
3. What’s been your greatest triumph in the Wilderness since February 1st 2011?
Finding the elusive wildy penguin!
4. If you are a PKer, are you a lone wolf or do you hunt in packs?
Not really a PKer.
5. Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
Fun's the third option, which is Dungeoneering's. Everything else is 'get it done so I can quessst', so efficiency.
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
I don't 'hang out' in RS, really. If I'm not doing something I'm offline.
7. Have you ever taken part in a community event organised by the Community Management team? If so, which one and how was it? If not, why not?
Not that I can recall. Can't be bothered to show up, mostly.
8. What item would you really love to see in the Jagex Store?
Ambivalent, since I can't buy. But, if I could, bookbags with various God symbols on them. No RS logos except on the inside -shiftyeyes- symbols are injokes, logos are targets for annoying people to mock you. Esp. Zaros symbol. Zaros is awesome.
Nerding out over RS quests since 2004
12-Feb-2011 19:53:34