Which is your favourite RuneScape fan/help site and why?
I use both Runewiki and Tip.It Runescape. Runewiki is faster to use (to search for specific things) but tip.it was the first help site I use and it still has in depth guides for quests among other things.
No fan site is perfect, hence why I use two.
Also, I realized that runwiki has better guides on court cases than tip it.
~Sacornus the acorn
""19. Which is your favourite RuneScape fan/help site and why? ""
Runescape wiki
It's extremely detailed on obscure information and very safe to use
But then I use tipit for long guides like quest guides
12-Feb-2011 19:37:42
- Last edited on
12-Feb-2011 19:38:08
T r y p t
The RuneScape Wiki if definitely very very useful, but I don't regard it as a fan site as such.
Ever since noob days I have used tip.it and still do - it's guides and forums are brilliant.
The runescape wiki definitely comes up trumps with specific item information - but tip.it has a real fan site feel & i exceptionally useful.
Runevillage, although i dont spend any time there anymore, I found it a more mature Fansite than some of the others I tried. I have a lot of friends that play off that site and I still watch out for them in game. Not the flashiest site, but a great community.
I do use RuneWiki to get background info on items that I have forgotten details on as I find it much easier to navigate to right what I want vs. the RS online Manual.