9.What’s your all-time favourite item from your bank/inventory?
Ohhh, difficult question. I lufs all my high-level stuff.
... probably my whip. It's my trusty spiky companion of death-dealing. Mwahaha!
Nerding out over RS quests since 2004
9.What’s your all-time favourite item from your bank/inventory?
My untrimmed Constitution cape. =D
In second place, my first dragon drop, a Dragon med helm. Previous to it I thought my account was bugged because I hadn't gotten a d drop in like 4 years of playing =P
9.What’s your all-time favourite item from your bank/inventory?
my sgs, i suppose. but for me everything has it's purpose, otherwise it's dropped or sold. i guess i can't say that i have an item that is 100% my fav item 100% of the time
1. Hunter. Curse you chin botters!
2. Primo
3. Kilt chaos ele with only d claws.
4. Power in numbers.
5. Both
6. Edge/GE/Miths/TD's and as of late, the tortoises in north Gnome Stronghold.
7. No
but i wish i had
8. IRL Skill Capes zomgs
9. My slayer cape, and my bucket.
10. Maybe.
11. Yes.
12. Yes. It was very active.
12-Feb-2011 18:25:59
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12-Feb-2011 18:49:11
Earned XP
9 - Capes! Capes & capes, I love capes! *-*
EDIT: Omg, sorry, but I don't have exactly ONE favorite item... I took off my favorite armour from this message... ^-^'
12-Feb-2011 18:26:04
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12-Feb-2011 18:28:43
"9.What’s your all-time favourite item from your bank/inventory?"
Frankly, I don't know that I have a favourite.
My bank and inventory pretty much change according to what I'm training. I am a fan of my ghostly robes and shadow sword, though I never use them because they're too underpowered to be worth while.
The Ghostly Witch King