11. Are you a member of a clan? If so, how did you join it? If not, why not?
Im not in a clan,simply because I haven't had a need for one so far.
13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
A friend was playing it at school.
12-Feb-2011 18:39:10
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12-Feb-2011 19:02:33
As to why not. I like to face the challenges of the game alone. Me aginst the program. When I win against an NPC or some minigame, I like to know that it was my totaly effort that brought me to that victory, or that it was my failure alone that lost it for me.
12-Feb-2011 18:39:19
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12-Feb-2011 18:45:14
Yes I'm a member of airs 16 which was originally an rc clan.I used to play on and off for a few years and then one day I was reading the forums and heard about air running.I joined the clan and have never left after all this time due to liking the people there.
It makes some of the more boring parts of the game tolerable.We arn't even really the same can anymore but many of the people are still there.
Plus this is free advertising for the general clan that is airs 16
No i am not a member of a clan.Most of the clans that have asked me are made up of kids.If an adult clan asked me i would try it and see if it was for me.
"11. Are you a member of a clan? If so, how did you join it? If not, why not? "
Not anymore - I used to be very involved in clans (which is why I started using these forums) in 2006. I lead 2, both lasted for a long period, and was involved in a few more.
I quit the whole 'clan life' because I felt they required too much commitment, and I'm no longer interesting in committing my time for an online virtual world.
I recently joined up with Fast Laws of World 99 looking for a way to get fast Runecrafting experience and to help lower-leveled players, but there are hardly any runners these days. Everybody seems to have forgotten about law running as a source of unskilled income.