10. Have you ever recommended RuneScape to your friends or family?
Yes. I told my friends about it back in middle school, and now, most of them still play. That was five years ago.
- A Warthog
10. Have you ever recommended RuneScape to your friends or family?
Yes, way back when I started playing in 2004 I got almost all my close friends in school to get playing, and they in turn got other friends to play and so on... A few of them still play to this day!
12-Feb-2011 18:30:22
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12-Feb-2011 18:31:08
Le Nantes
i recommend runescape to all my patient friends. anyone who's not patient can't play this i think, plus they have to not care too much about graphics and instead love the gameplay of games
12-Feb-2011 18:30:24
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12-Feb-2011 18:30:38
10. Have you ever recommended RuneScape to your friends or family?
Yes. Three years ago I got my sister hooked on the game after she called it stupid lol. I told her to play it once and now shes hooked lol. Also got my cousin on it aswell
yes yes yes and more yes.
all my kids play. 5 of my cousins play. I even got my mama to pay for one afternoon.
I tell everyone to play! and when I am on, I post that I am playing on social sites
Your wish is my command:
10. Have you ever recommended RuneScape to your friends or family?
Never. And that will never change.
10. Have you ever recommended RuneScape to your friends or family?
To friends, but not to family. Most of my family do not play any kind of computer or video game, so they are not interested. I have recommended Runescape to friends, although most did not get hooked like I did.
That's alright, lots of new players would probably mean lots of new and annoying trolls who live to annoy the hell out of others.
~Sacornus the acorn