
Forum Moderation Review V2. Thread is locked

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19-Jan-2019 20:02:35

Mod Meadows

Mod Meadows

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Whatusaytome - We are not able to release information about other players.

Raigo Riois - Thanks for the welcome, hello to you too.

Minigames - I've moved and given some glue for the time being.

SvenmSDRAGON - This is not valid, as it is just an attack on the FMod in question. You have also not provided evidence to support your claims.

removed-out - You were muted for personal attacks, I think that's fair.

SvenmSDRAGON - (As above) This is not valid, as it is just an attack on the FMod in question. You have also not provided evidence to support your claims.

SvenmSDRAGON - (As above x2) This is not valid, as it is just an attack on the FMod in question. You have also not provided evidence to support your claims.

Immortalized - This isn't something I can help with.

0neness - This is not a personal attack on you by the FMod team. You broke the rules by naming and shaming others, please do not in the future.

Immortalized - I do not know about the thread situation, and it was probably just a minor bug? I wouldn't stress about it. :) *

Southeaster - The comments in question were targeting a low level player, I believe the right course of action was taken.

Loki - I feel that the thread belongs in Guides and Help more as it's specific to RS3.

Immortalized - * Links to above * Glad to see it was sorted and it was just archived, least we know it wasn't a bug :p

Aeroxmaster - I appreciate that you reported me as you don't feel my actions were justified, however the action taken was advised by Player Support who are in charge of making the rules. They do not want to change this, as such I do not have the power to make any amendments.

Immortalized - I feel that it is correctly in rants.

removed-out - I believe this is the correct course of action.

removed-out - I believe this is the correct course of action. ( x2)

removed-out - I believe this is the correct course of action. ( x3)

Packyff - Mod West has explained why OSRS HD is not possible, yet you seem to ignore what is said. The lock was correct course of action.

Shiavui - The post in question advertised a competitor game, the hide was correct.

Angel2D4 - Your post wasn't constructive, and I couldn't understand what you are trying to report.

Miles Prower - This is not a personal attack, the FMod in question was offering their opinion.

Cuteyspoon - Please don't talk about FMods that way.

2_Tron - You were flaming FMod in question.

Cuteyspoon - How dare you accuse FMods of sexual harassment as a joke. That is not funny; you have been banned from the forums for this. If you do have evidence of real sexual harrassment from the FMod in question, please contact the police.

removed-out - The lock was correct.

Realm Reaper - There is no plan to change the voice overs of our NPC's, I would suggest muting your music if it is causing you distress.

Elf of Seren - This is not something I can help with, sorry. I would suggest reaching out to the admins personally, perhaps on Twitter?

removed-out - (Same post 4 times) Why do you want a refund? Because your thread was locked correctly?

removed-out - (Same post 4 times) Why do you want a refund? Because your thread was locked correctly?

removed-out - (Same post 4 times) Why do you want a refund? Because your thread was locked correctly?

removed-out - (Same post 4 times) Why do you want a refund? Because your thread was locked correctly?

Cuteyspoon - You have been perm banned from the forums for continually making sexual violence references, and accusing FMods.

Packyff - The FMod in question is correct, the symbol has been around for 5000+ years. I have copied this from the Holocaust Memorial museum:

"The symbol means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Eurasia, as early as 7000 years ago, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day, it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures."

I would also avoid calling FMods anti-semites, as I full well know that is not the case.

Barnabis - I have locked the thread.

p1nk_tra5h - We would not have a white supremacist as an FMod. Please refrain from throwing damning accusations around at members of my team.

WYND - Thanks, I'll keep an eye. If it gets bumped again I will lock it.

Liebster - We are partnered with RSWiki, and that was a temporary stickied thread.

SenorDonk - I believe the lock is acceptable.

Nerevarine - It's even longer than 5 weeks now! The CM team is very busy, and I am often required to to other work. As such little things like FMR as pushed to the back of the pile, I am sorry about that, however other business needs are possibly more important; it's about prioritising things that are urgent and sadly other things are often needed to be done asap.

Hriak - You're welcome to recreate the thread, however I feel it does fall into "Misc" more; while it is technically "discontinued" that subsection is mostly used for Party Hats etc.

Whatusaytome - I'll keep an eye on it.

iiRanpeGG - I am unable to unban your account.

Southeaster - RuneScape is still actively played on Christmas day, as such people are banned / muted etc on Christmas day. Our Player Support Team works 24 hours a day, each day of the year. That means as the clock strikes midnight on New Years, we have someone in the office banning botting accounts, or helping with payment questions!

The Fmods are voluntary, and do not need to work on Christmas day, but they are dedicated enough to be willing to hop on. This was not a request from myself or any other Jagex member, they did this on their own choice.

How nice is that?! Let's celebrate the fact FMods are willing to give their time up, unpaid, to help make the forums a better place. :)

Dilbert2001 - I don't think the FMod was singling you out personally, however I do agree with what you're saying. I'll take a note, thanks!

Tophurious - I've unhidden the thread.

Southeaster - I've unhidden the post.

Dmdtw - The rules have been updated :)

Dmdtw - Don't worry about it, however if you have questions about updated info, ask!

Barnabis - I've locked the thread now that the issue is closed.

Team Skull - As FMR is now done, I hope that the issue should now resolve itself. :)

... And I'm all done! Yipee.

Mod Meadows.
~RuneScape Community Management.
~ Mod Meadows ~ Forum Curator ~ Tweet Me @JagexMeadows ~

23-Jan-2019 14:44:11 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2019 14:44:44 by Mod Meadows

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23-Jan-2019 22:01:11

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23-Jan-2019 22:41:38

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23-Jan-2019 23:17:42

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23-Jan-2019 23:17:48

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