Hey Jagex
Would you consider either moving the Zamorak Mage who teleports you to the Abyss either out of the Wilderness or have an alternative way to get to the Abyss that doesn't involve going into the Wilderness?
Abyssal Runecrafters aren't really the most armoured, or armed, of people who go into the Wilderness. For a PKer who is looking for some quick pocket money, an Abyssal Runecrafter would be an easy target: not highly armoured since it slows down, normally no weapon besides a pickaxe or hatchet, and since the Abyss skulls and empties your prayer, it is a free glory that the Runecrafter can't keep. On top of that, those pouches are lost on death and will either cost time killing getting them back or money buying them back.
While I find putting the Abyssal guy in the Wilderness a bad idea in the first place (It was like you were giving PKers a bone by easy glories), with Godswords being more common, Dragon Claws, Chaotics, Curses, etc. it is much more dangerous now than then. A Runecrafter could easily get killed in one or two hits, not much time to react or retreat. It takes only one person in Edgeville training something to see someone is using the Abyss and go "Hey, free glory" and go kill them.
If there was an alternative way to get to the Abyss to do Runecrafting, Runecrafters wouldn't have to worry about having to get pouches back or having to lose a glory. The time and money it costs from getting back supplies adds up.
22-Jan-2011 16:28:10