Will drop trading/simple trading between accounts of the same owner be allowed since its free trade? Or will the old law of no trading between two of your accounts be inforced?
If the answer is that you cannot trade E.G. from your main to your pure then you do realise theres like 5 ways to get around that rule introducing a third person to the trade (you give him items from your main and he gives them to your pure, thats legal...).
A few questions about the new rev cave and the future of pvp gear:
I know brawling gloves will still be around but will their be any way to use them outside of the wild like we can now on pvp worlds? Some brawlers (prayer, thieving, wcing) are used most effectivly out of wildy. Will the xp reward be changed at all? So far all you have said is brawling gloves will continue to work the same but you haven't confirmed if they will be usable out of wildy still.
Do you think this rev dungeon will make pvp stuff more common or rarer? How common are the drops? Is it multicombat and are the revs any harder than the ones we have now?
Why did you decide to make the revs drop pvp statues? A lot of people are unhappy with the inflation these caused, why didn't you use wildys return as a chance to slow down the masssive amount of gp coming into the game?
Why didn't you decide to keep pvp worlds? They would have been awesome with full drops.
Will their be any penalty for teleporting like their is in pvp now? Everyone used to tele if they were getting specced or low hp or w/e. I'd prefer if their was no way to tele out of wildy at all to be honest.
Will skulling be back the way it used to be? Or will we be auto skulled when we go in wildy. Will protect item prayer be put back to normal?
22-Jan-2011 15:19:46
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22-Jan-2011 16:46:56
6: The grand exchange thing seems a bit off because if people can buy/sell for whatever price they want it dosent make sense that the grand exchange will only go up 5% up or down a day.
what you should do is have it take the average sales from the day previous and make that the new avg price cuz technacly it is.
7: How will new protection system work i am a bit confused will it b the most expensive item in youre inventory or will it still be alch price?
8: Random question thats off topic from this but what ever happend to life runes? were they scraped? additionally what happened to the eye of the warior and ranger ect rewards that were promised to us as a dungeoneering reward?
9: statement: I beleive you should allow extremes but not overloads extremes make it effectivly harder to pk while getting an additional bonus towards fighting. If not can you at least make a summoning monster for range similar to wolpertinger becvause currently there is no super range potion and its a bit unfair that regular range potion boosts to 112 and super atk and str boost to 118 or something
22-Jan-2011 15:20:04
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22-Jan-2011 15:31:30
Rudy V8
I have a few concerns about the up comming Trade and Wilderness.
1.) You at Jagex say that you have a great macro detection system. If it is so wonderful can you explain to those of us sitting in front of our computer and using our mouse to navigate throughout RS why there are tons of players still botting at the flax field?
Why are they still botting to spin the flax in lumbridge?
Why are there still players botting at the ess mines in Varrock?
And Why are there bots still in puro puro?
There are so many players using a macro it is like a conga line at these places and these are just a few.
This does not include the Red Chin Hunting areas
Nor the minning areas throughout RS
The Blue Dragons in Ogre City Dungeon nor those camping out at the various combat places through out RS.
2.) Are you going to restrict trade limits in the wilderness since this macro problem is not going away any time soon? and is not under control at the current time?
3.) You say it is illegal to use a macro program; but yet When we report a player no less than 3-5 times in a given week they still are botting in the same area but in a different world as the case that I ran across last week.
I was Chatting with a friend when I came across a bot and mentioned the name. My friend said that he had reported the exact same player not 2 days prior... so in went my report of suspected macroing.
I am all for second chances - but why are you at Jagex not handing out perm bans to these type of players?
It is common sense to figure out that once a player has purchased the macro program they are not just going to stop using it. - They do make other accounts and use that program on those accounts.
Thanks for answering my question
Sincerely Secretwishes
Hey Jagex. First of all i would thank you guys for the free trade coming back.
I started playing just after removing it in 2007 and i played a lot of different gzmes because of the trade limit.
But now i got a question for the old wilderness: I recently got my chaotic longsword in november and i would like to know what happens with my CLS when i die in wilderness? It wasn't very clear in the other FAQ of you. So please could u answer me?
PS: great job u guys doing!!!!wonderfull year
What are the chances of making 1 or 2 worlds of runescape, where they disallow, curses, chaotics, korasi, handcannon, zaros godwars gear, pvp equipment ect, on the entire world including the wilderness?