You hear feedback about the armoured zombies, but you are not even thinking about relocated in CHAOS TUNNELS????
Armoured zombies are 1 single type of monster wherefor you have to go through the wildy.
In the chaos tunnels, you don't only have Bork which is slain by many Veterans EVERY day, but you also have Mummies (GL losing your 30k red chinchompas!!!), dozens of slayer task monsters, etc.
Yes the slayer monsters also exist in other areas, which are usually non multi combat. The chaos tunnels were supposed to be for using summoning inside! Think 1 moment! Would you ever have put this epic dungeon inside wilderness if there still was pk'ing???
Do you realize what this does? Every time you do bork, you'll have to watch very carefully. The chance of getting attacked is very large, and everytime you get attacked, you can't enter the tunnels so you'll have to teleport and world hop because the pkers will stay there!
You probably know that there used to be green dragon pkers. Now you'll see lots of chaos tunnels pkers. Simply teleblock and an entangle and he can't do anything!
W00T Luckily there's a safe entrance east of Varrock which allows players to go to Bork safely! The only draw back is that it takes more than TWENTY minutes! In this time you'd get 5x the charms from most slayer monsters!
I wonder why you want to keep stealing creations, a minigame where you don't need ANY items, safe and keep Chaos tunnels, a summoning-training area + D&D (with a setted location, not like other D&D's roaming around the world), with slayer monsters and a rich variety of fauna, why do you want this to stay dreadful to reach??? I'm sure edgevil is more dangerous than the path to get to the armoured zombies. 80% of the pkers stay in low wildy. Low wildy is like 10% of whole wildy, you can see it as a megalopolis of pkers.
22-Jan-2011 15:54:27