Mod Fetzki, you said that the 3 item rule will still apply for the 3 most expensive items in your inventory or equip if you happen to die. Does this mean you are changing it from alch value of the item to GE price?
Question Number 1) Can you guys make like a non-pk world so people can do like abyss and clues? In these worlds There are revs instead of pkers
Question Number 2) Why keep Revs when there are pkers? That's making do to clues in the wildy impossible.
Hey Jagex, thank you so much for returning staking.
Here is my question (please answer!):
How will summoning affect combat levels in the duel arena/ staking now that it is a dangerous form of pvp?
The reason I ask this is because I am pretty sure most duels will have summoning turned off, so it will just act as a useless 12 or 13 levels if you are 99.
Will you it have level splitting (like it does in all other forms of pvp)? (i.e. I would be 75+12 combat because I am 99 summon)
Or will your maximum combat just be your combat level with summoning?
Idealy, you would just have your combat level without summoning (in my case 75) with no level splitting until you have a pouch or maybe something summoned in which case your would be 87.
22-Jan-2011 17:04:41
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22-Jan-2011 17:05:17
Will there be a way to safely access the Chaos Tunnels? Or will we have to venture through the wilderness to get to the tunnel entrance?
-b ball
My question is, mainly for staking, what would happen to degradable items. Could you put a "no degradable items" or "allow degradable items" options into the stake?
I believe this would really help make the stake "more even" as both stakers know what is coming and what item they may be using.
As back in the day, before 2007, people only used to stake (when it was p2p only), DDS and Whip stakes. If they had special on, they would use DDS if no special, just whips.
Hello,thx for bringing back wildy and free trade.
I was asking:
1)Will there be 'ep' in the new wildy? If yes,will it partly influence the drop?
2)Will there be new weapons for both f2p and p2p for pvp?
thanks if mods will answer these 2 questions
22-Jan-2011 17:05:08
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22-Jan-2011 17:15:44
Mystic sdow
I heard Mod Mark say that when an altered item drops it will be converted into its alch price on drop.
That would mean a coloured whip will turn into 150k?? When it has a 2.7m+ trade price. I think the altered items such as slayer helm (black mask), dark bow, infinity, and whips should turn to the average ge price on drop.
1) What will happen to the Abbys? I know its part of the danger but pkers have new weapons like chaotic weapons, korasi swords, dragon claws, etc....
2) I know you will remove the wilderness volcano but the bh banker guy, you said he will move?
3) When will you release the Wilderness F.A.Q. tips and stuff you said you will be releasing?