I am currently in the process of re watching all the Game of Thrones seasons. They are great! My favourite character would have to be Tyrion Lannister; for his humour, knowledge and caring heart (in comparison to most characters).
Good luck with your TAPP project. You have some interesting ideas that will hopefully make it much more useful to do. I'm currently not collecting from the Maw on a daily basis; as I feel it doesn't offer many worthwhile rewards in it's current state.
Congratulations on the position!!! Its been a dream of mine since I was a kid to be a mod for RS!! (As nerdy as that may sound)
I'm hoping to prove myself worthy to you guys of becoming a pmod at some point; at least for OSRS as I just got back into it. I consider myself as a veteran after 10years. Nothing would bring me more joy than being able to bring the community together; sharing my knowledge, wisdom, and all out love for the game.
I remember back when the game was launched. I was 11 or 12 at that time. I'm going to be 24 the 22nd of this month. I have 2 kids of my own now; and they are already asking what it is I am playing. I imagine I will be teaching them to play soon.
I'm hopeful it will happen some day. We'll see!!
Anyways, enough about my aspirations!
Congratulations once again! and I wish you the best as our new Jmod!!!!
I have been playing RS for just about
10 years now
...Just recently started playing Old School again so if you need any help or advice; Feel free to ask!
*pokes head around corner*
Just to say Mod Meadows' friends chat is now open!
*retracts head from around corner*
Cool, i will join there soon
(Brazil) Official Community Helper (Ajudante da Comunidade): Twitter @JagexHelpLobbs
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09-Jun-2017 20:09:06
- Last edited on
09-Jun-2017 20:09:56
Raw Lobbs
Raw Lobbs
*pokes head around corner*
Just to say Mod Meadows' friends chat is now open!
*retracts head from around corner*
Cool, i will join there soon
Thanks for letting everyone know 42! Beat me to it!
Welcome to join any time Raw Lobbs!
Mod Meadows.
~ Mod Meadows ~ Forum Curator ~ Tweet Me @JagexMeadows ~