
Wilderness & Free Trade Q&A Thread is locked

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Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Myth Kreator asks:
Is item trading between two self-owned accounts allowed now? Will such players get banned? Or will the rules be relaxed?
That is still against the rules but it is something we are looking at – for now take it that trading between accounts you own is not allowed, if we change this we will let everyone know.
Just a confirmation, can people never be attacked in places other than the wilderness now?
Well no, players will still be able to attack other players in activities like Duel Arena, Castle Wars etc. If you mean can they be attacked in the way that combat could break out now in say Varrock Square on a current PvP world, then ‘no’, because PvP worlds are going.

22-Jan-2011 15:50:47

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
And some more from Facebook and Twitter...
Will high level potions like super antifire and special restore pots ever become tradeable?
Probably not, but you never know.
Will the new rev dungeon be pk-safe or is it a dangerous place?
It is going to be an extremely dangerous place. Are you brave enough to go there?

22-Jan-2011 15:55:49

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Choco Chips:
What will happen to Bork and all the Chaos Tunnels, will those remain?
Mod Fetzki:
Sure they are staying!
Choco Chips:
What will be done about luring and baiting from safespots?
Mod Fetzki:
We will monitor the situation closely and see whether we see the need for action, but generally we think this is part of the Wildy gameplay.
Choco Chips:
How can you report scamming as some people would just trade and state the price they want but there’s no real way to get them saying selling white ele for 5 mil and report that.
Mod Fetzki:
The guide price will be visible in player-to-player trades so everyone should be able to judge for him/herself whether there is a scammer or not. We think it is much better to give the community the ability to prevent scamming themselves but if you have been scammed, then report this to us. We don't necessarily need the chat for deciding whether a scam occurred or not.

22-Jan-2011 15:57:51

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Spirit Eagle asks:
when you die in the wildy will it be back to your usual respawn point like before or will there be a separate respawn point for dying in the wildy??
Respawn points will not be changed, so wherever your respawn point is set for – that’s where you will end up if you die in the 'new' Wilderness.

22-Jan-2011 16:01:05

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
A couple of answers for our Facebook and Twitter followers...
Will the Zamorakian mage still be located in the Wilderness?
He will remain where his, just as he was before the Wilderness was removed.
Are you going to allow onyx stones to be bought easily in Tz-haar again? How are people suppose to get furies?
There are no plans for any changes to onyx stones or TzHaar tokens.

22-Jan-2011 16:03:05

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Pinetree asks:
could someone range/mage me while im in the wildy agility course? Now that rev's arent there will the player killers be able to kill me?
Yes, if you want to use that course you run the risk of being attacked, the Wilderness is meant to bring additional danger and challenges to whatever task you chose to do there!

22-Jan-2011 16:04:28

Mod Mark

Mod Mark

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To clarify the issue regarding dying with untradable objects in the wilderness, I can confirm that you will not be able to run back to untradable objects.
The air obelisk will still be in the wilderness.

22-Jan-2011 16:04:57

Mod Paul M

Mod Paul M

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
“Q: Will the Wilderness Volcano be removed & original 07’ landscapes be returned?”
Nope, check the FAQ for more info on that. ; )
“Q: Why have you decided to keep summoning in the wilderness? Surely killing someone using a packyack with 30 brews in it is just absurd.”
Because it’s cool! Watching two familiars thrashing the crap out of each, what’s not to love!?
“Do you guys have any plans to bring back the boneyard that was removed?”
Yep, it’s a great place for F2P to train prayer! check the FAQ for more info on that one. ; )
“Will the old PJing system return?”
Mod Fetzki’s just answered that one I believe, check him out. =)
“What will happen when someone dies at corp? Currently we have a few minutes to run back and pick up some of our stuff.”
Mod Steve W’s answered that just now I think.
“What about people who use yak scrolls to bank their valuables before they die?”
That’s still totally acceptable. =)
“How can we trade items over 2 billion if the price value will show up durning the trade window?”
You won’t be able to trade items over 2 billion in value moneybags! Ooh get you. :P
“When will you update guides on website?”
Next week all being well. =)
“If a player doesn’t return to their gravestone and it crumbles away, all players will be able to pick up the loot."
So how have you planned this for bosses? I don't believe there is ANY forum team that would bless if you die after 100 dry kills.”
That’s something we’re looking into as it goes. Mod Fetzki’s just answered that in a bit more detail if you have a bit of a scroll. =)
“1. Will green dragons in the wilderness stay where they are?!”
“2. Will the chaos tunnels be moved?”
“4. Will there be anything that is included in the update that is not revealed?”
I’d imagine so ; )
“5. Will there be bugs? Or have you sorted them out already?”
“6. Will we be able to see other peoples offers in the grand exchange for what price and which person or is it just staying as usual?”
Nope, all buyers and sellers remain anonymous.
“7. Why keep the buying restrictions on?”
It’s to avoid market monopoly but for more info, the FAQ is your friend. ; )
“8. Will general store shops return to their original state - Buying and selling items in there?”
We just had that question via our facebook community and if you have a look about, you’ll see Kat’s answered it =)
“9. Do you have ways to detect RWT?”
“10. Will you be able to cope with the mass of bots?”
And yep!
“Will emotes be allowed in the wilderness or during wilderness combat?”
In the wilderness, for sure. During combat, that sounds like a delaying tactic. ; )
“Will you able to trade in the wilderness or any changes like the 2nd screen being gone in the wilderness?”
You will indeed be able to trade in the wildy!
“Will this oppurtunity be used to add a high score to Stealing Creations, as I would like to see one for it? Especially since we'll be losing other activities, at least temorarily.”
We certainly do plan to add more HighScores to mini games in the future. =)
“Will we get "Clan Tools" such as possibly a clan list as discussed in Mod Chichiro's developer's blog on Dec 7, as there an empty tab available for one? If, not will the wilderness or an update from it use this tab? If nothing is immediatly planned to go there Dungeoneering should...”
There are loads of cool clan tools on the way but I really can’t say more than that just now. ; )
“Will we still get a Behind the Scenes or will making sure every bug is fixed be a priority?”
We’ll do both!
“Will areas that allow you to easily "hug" players still exist?”
Awwwww, yes you’ll still be able to hug. The wildy is a cold place afterall.
Rac3-11 –“Also blood altar. A lot of people used abyss to get to mutated bloodvelds for slayer. Any alternative being provided for that that is reasonable? Maybe a teleport deep in Meiyerditch?”
Good idea!

22-Jan-2011 16:05:32

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Video call asks:
I didn't see this question answered in the FAQ, and I know it's on a lot of peoples' minds, so, what will be happening to Green Dragons?
There is no change to Green Dragons, but you need to be mindful that other people will be able to attack you whilst you are killing them – so keep looking over your shoulder!

22-Jan-2011 16:08:23

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Alex Ydw I:
Is it true that when you're in the new wilderness, if you're attacking a Green Dragon, for example, that another player can then attack you, like a rev used to be able to do?
Mod Fetzki:
Yes, this is true. This has been implemented because in the old Wildy there was the strategy to avoid death by quickly attacking a monster an then disconnecting from the internet which we didn't like and therefore implemented this chance.
Alex Ydw I:
It said on the F.A.Q that the banker Maximillius *something, oops :P * would be removed from the wilderness. Does this mean the part he used to be would *not* be a safe spot? - And does this mean there will be no safe spots in the wilderness?
Mod Fetzki:
There will still be safe areas like the Mage Training Arena but there won't be safe spots in the middle of the Wilderness any more in which you could easily escape.
Alex Ydw I:
I noticed on the f.a.q that if you drop an item when free trade is back, it will be visible to everyone *immediately*. I'm sure it took 3-5 minutes before to become visible when you dropped something. Is there any reason for the change?
Mod Fetzki:
I have answered this above.

22-Jan-2011 16:09:45

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