
Wilderness & Free Trade Q&A Thread is locked

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Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
How will you guys try to prevent a rapid growth of macroing and RWT?

Mod Fetzki:
With various efforts like breaking bots, taking macro developers to court, banning or rolling back accounts that do real-world trading and/or macroing and many more things.

22-Jan-2011 16:32:05

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hi Mark, I know you touched on this topic in your last Q&A, but for those wanting to know exactly I thought I'd ask this.
When a player kills another player in the wilderness, will the loot that isn't picked up by the victor appear on the ground a couple of minutes later? Will 'looting' return?

Mod Fetzki:
Yes, it will appear some time later.

22-Jan-2011 16:33:34

Mod Paul M

Mod Paul M

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Zetris. “1. Why did u ban extremes?”

Fetzki’s answered that I believe. =)

“will rules of transferring items and gifting be more clear? gifting is okay, but if you get friends to help its not ?”

We want the rules to be as clear as possible so if there’s anything we can do to make them clearer, we’ll totally look at that. A big part of making them clear is to make the simple so we just need to make sure that any changes don’t make things complicated. ;

“What's the time in UK when you release these updates? (I want to know because i might be at school that time lol)”

Difficult to say as update times vary a lot. Sometime in the afternoon perhaps.. or maybe the morning.

Mystic Monad,
“Will the Guide Price (aka GE Market Price) for items be calculated based only on trades that take place on the Grand Exchange, or will player-to-player trades be included in the calculation?”

Good question! The guide price will based on trades taking place in the GE.

“Will all of the absolute price caps and floors also be removed from the GE?”

Yep and yep!

“Will we be able to offer 1m or 1b ea for ashes or needles?”


“Will we be able to offer 1 gp ea for fire runes, mind runes, or divine spirit shields?”

If you can find someone “generous” enough to do that, yes.

“What will happen to essence pouches when a pker kills a player carrying them? Will the player be able to retrieve them?”

Essences pouches will be deleted (edit: on death I hasten to add, not from the game!)

Zelda Boi,
“How will brawling gloves work after this update”

Just as they do now. =)

“Will there be anything done to educate new players who may have not heard of some of the older lures/scams in the free trade days?”

We’ve a wilderness forum where we’ll be posting all sorts of tips and help for all players whether they’re seasoned wildy types or are new to the pleasures and pitfalls of pking.

“Will anything be done to stop "looters" from coming back, such as not letting loot from a fallen player be shown to anyone who didn't kill them, even after the minute wait?”
No, looters will be able to pick through the bits of dead players after a minute has passed.

“1. You have said PvP mechanics will be returned as they were in the wilderness.
Are you therefore returning the ability for multiple persons in a single area to pile a person in a nearby multicombat zone? it is an essential mechanic for pking”

Yes, oh yes. =)

“2. You have said 'popular pvp items' will not be lost and you will be able to run back for them.
I would just like confirmation that this does include the fighter torso, firecape and defenders. If it doesnt it needs to!”

All tradables will be pick up-able, so if you drop a fighter torso, firecape and defenders, the only way you’ll be able to keep it is if the player killing you doesn’t pick up and it hasn’t been deleted.

“3. Am I right in thinking recepie for diaster gloves will be converted into coins alongside the anchor and korasi's?”

That’s a yes!

“4. Are you going to be balancing some new items for use in pvp?

Since the removal of the wilderness it has been obvious that Jagex has developed weapons with PvM in mind. Some new weapons (claws/chaotic/korasi's) are severly”

For sure.

“What will drop in place of chaotic weapons and shields?”

Can we get back to you on that one?

“What will drop in place of Skillcapes and Fire capes?”

And that one. ; )

“What is the reasoning behind not allowing untradeable potions in the wilderness?”

Mod Fetzki’s answered that I believe.

“1. how do you plan to stop RWT if you can mention anything at all, i know you can't mention exactly how you do this but are you able to confidently say that RWT will NOT be possible?”

The freedom of Free Trade does mean that RWT will be possible. Such is the way of free trade! However, we’ve done a lot of work in the background to minimise the risk. ; )

“2.Hackers will no doubt be back at the game stealing items ect ect... so with this in mind do you have a system in place to track and punish hackers?”

We do indeed.

sorry for the short answers guys, we've about 8 million questions still to get to!

22-Jan-2011 16:34:19 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 16:42:55 by Mod Paul M

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Ruiny aks:

could you tell me how long it will take the Rune ore to respawn? I'd like to edit it into my guide as soon as possible?

Sorry but that’s something you will need to find out for yourself on update day!

Will you add any more Rune Rocks to the Wilderness??

Nope, we are happy with how many there are – but they will respawn a little faster.

If at all possible, could Mod SteveW answer my questions? He's awesome, and I like how he uses different colors

Done. Lol.

22-Jan-2011 16:36:07

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Ocean Tr:
Will we keep brawling gloves in inventory if we die in wildy? Because we use brawling gloves in bh(+1) worlds instead of pvp worlds to not lose it.

Mod Fetzki:
This has been answered already but just to make sure: yes, they will be deleted. Being in the Wildy brings benefits but there should also be some risk.

22-Jan-2011 16:36:47

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Will the new revenant dungeon have some sort of mighty revenant boss? Will the "dungeon" itself require any dungeoneering level to enter?

Mod Fetzki:
Good idea - let's see whether we add both these things.

22-Jan-2011 16:37:43

Mod Fetzki

Mod Fetzki

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
" Will you add any “safe” worlds for non-pkers to use without fear of being killed?
-> No. It’s the wilderness, it’s not meant to be safe. "

Will you mind if I use that quote as argument against pseudo-PKers and fanboys who believe that it is "unfair" to PJ, or attacking someone before asking to fight, or before they got the time to drink pots ?

Mod Fetzki:
What arguments you use is up to you but we are convinced there is space for both so-called "honourable" PKers and pile-jumpers in the game.

22-Jan-2011 16:40:10

Mod Mark

Mod Mark

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Thanks for your feedback regarding damage that stacks when you climb over the wildy wall or get teleported. We will consider your ideas!

We have no plans to bring back the old "ice cube" animation for ice barrage. We think the new animation is much cooler. Lol.

High risk PvP does not force a risk of loot, but it does prevent any item protection spells or curses from being used.

22-Jan-2011 16:41:59

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Some more answers for Facebook and Twitter...

Will the Duel Arena remain F2P? Also will the new (old haha) staking system be implemented for f2p players?
The Duel Arena will still be in free worlds, and it's likely that there will be a cap on how much you can stake.

Are people who have started a quest going to be able to use the quest "safe zones" to run away during battle?
Most exits from the Wilderness will not allow you to use them if you are in combat.

22-Jan-2011 16:43:11

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