Hi if you are around could you contact me? I need to speak to a Jagex Mod immediately regarding a bug, i already submitted a report but at the same time i do not wish to be "screwed" over so i need to speak to a jagex mod immediately
Hey chrisso. hope you'll have a good time trying to get rid of any bugs! though one time a friend of mine was collecting daily challenge rewards and for some reason he got to keep the decorated cooking urns...
If you find out why, maybe you guys could find out how to fix it.
Good luck!
Dear Mod Chrisso, i have had some issues with players asking me for help only for them to teleport me into the wilderness etc...having friends waiting just to get my junk when i intended to help this player "revolverize" get a daily achivement of teleporting to falador 25 times last time he sent me to the wild just for his friends to jump me and get my gear 28mil worth.. including bcp tasset fury bandos boots whip offhand d scim. i pay to play this game and i have reported him im just sick of nothing ever happening been a loyal member for years. If you would please try to get something done about this.