ello Mod Chrisso
moved over? may i ask .where u use to be at jagex??
good luck with the promotion, at least i hope it was.
may i ask where i can find more details on the CC(clan chat)?
its all new to me i'm just comeing back to Rs after a two year rest.
31-Jul-2011 14:11:51
- Last edited on
31-Jul-2011 15:34:52
Ninja Yohon
Maybe your the person to introduce the steps Jagex needs to do to fix the problems in this game, if you have a new perspective on things. I have a few questions too.
Have you seen what the Grand Exchange is like on world 1?
Is it your job to listen to the people's ideas and does it annoy you you have a big job ahead of you or that you can do nothing about it?
Why do you care, and do you look up to your workmates on the matter and ask about their opinions too?
I know what the players around me think of the game, what do your work peers think of the game?
Either I lend a hand to help fix the matter or I'm gone from this game forever
Hello Mod Chrisso, I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind.
1. Is there any possibility that Free Trade/Wildy could be removed again?
2. Will there be a feedback poll on Free Trade/Wilderness in the future? I voted no in the referendum, but i know a lot of yes votes that regret their decision.
3. If there was to be another revote on this, Could the referendum have different regulations, such as you must have created an account before a certain time period to vote. (Also, I wouldn't mind seeing free trade and Wilderness divided as a separate vote. A lot of people wanted the wilderness back, but not free trade.) This was the biggest problem with the last vote, as some players and gold farming companies made multiple accounts in advance just to add more votes to the yes side.
4. I hear rumors that Free Trade/Wilderness would have been brought back regardless of how the vote went. Is this true?
5. What is your favorite minigame?
I hope you can answer most of my questions. I'd really appreciate it if you could answer all 5. Thanks for reading.