i have a question that i was hopeing one of u could ancer when ever they did the big update did they reset anything like the amount of gold u had or the armor u had? i was wondering b*cause i havent been on for about 220 days and when i got on today i had none of my gold or my armor.
I know this is account help but I cant find a thread for this problem...
Ok so I'm playing Pest Control now and it looks like my commedations aren't adding up.
I go to exchange them for XP and it only shows the commedations I got for the previous game.
Any ideas on how to fix this? It would be a HUGE help.
why don't you people actually moderate the damn game right so people can't get scammed. i lost my damn zammy armour to some scammers taking people to the gamers grotto blah blah blah i might as well just slit my wrists now. **** this ****
1) Account name: Oliver1661/MrOliveNamah
2) Why would you join the team Pmods:
I would like to join the team because I think runescapor a good player and supporter of runescape and would like help with runescape ... happy to speak Spanish and I also think enough experience to be Mod in Runescape
3) What kind of player you are:
Well I am a normal player like everyone else ... I love magic and power up.
4) As you like helping the community:
I like helping my friends when they need help in runescape some of the abilities of runescape.
5) Additional information that you please to know:
Well I want to be taken into account and if I believe enough to be Mod I will be happy!