@ Zimberfizz - There is nothing rule breaking about the post that you reported. It is giving answers to questions that you asked. Although the style of the replies is short and blunt, there is nothing there that requires moderator intervention at this time.
If you feel the post was meant to antagonize you, then best to just ignore it and pretend it isn't even there.
Owen - If these names have been found within the game (which appears to be the case as they do not have recent forum posts), its really best if they are reported ingame for Offensive Names, rather than here.
@ Elwe - Yes, some of the posts you reported do see to be spam or troll apps, but they are also being accepted by someone listed on the opening posts as a general rank in the FC, so if you could get a listed rank to post to clarify if they need to be removed, that would help a lot. Thanks