Uuo - There are indeed 3 players with their own threads, but containing very similar content, operating under a single FC. Forums do not allow branching out threads from one single entity as they are considered spamming (e.g. A thread for 'Max', then one for '138 Combat', yet another for individual 99s.)
The FMod involved has instructed you and your members to sort this out and recrete a new thread. The thread contents have not be hidden though, no need to rewrite everything from scratch. However, if you feel that he has not acted in accordance with relevant forum guidelines, please use
Forum Moderator Review
Fair point, I have unlocked your thread temporarily to allow you to back it up.
Please note that we still expect the owners of the various similar threads to come to a sensible agreement on how to proceed from here - this thread should not be regarded as having been re-opened for use.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
I understand your frustration, and indeed that thread receives a lot of posts here, and a lot of FMod attention already.
Please understand, though, that it is effectively impossible for Forum Moderators to adjudicate every claim of inaccurate or misleading pricing or offers. We would need to become experts in pricing policy and sit in the appropriate chats all the time to do so.
If you still feel that moderation has been insufficient, however, please use the
Forum Moderation Review thread
to raise the issue to Jagex Staff.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~