Clan Logo Competition

Hello and welcome to the Guaranteed Content Clan Logo competition! As you will all have seen already in Mod Maz and Mod Roderick's Tools for Clans 2 Development blog, we're bringing clan logos to RuneScape as part of the Clan Tools update.
To celebrate clans being able to customise themselves within the game, we're bringing you this competition to win your own clan's logo in-game, a signed print of your clan logo, as well as some other cool stuff!
It doesn't end there though: all entries that we receive during the competition will be inspiration for our Graphics team in designing the other logos that will be going into the game. All the more reason to take out your easel, 3D graphics program or good old-fashioned pencil and paper to draw your clan's logo!
Here, you'll find all the information you'll need to enter the Clan Logo contest. Feel free to discuss your ideas and the competition in this thread.
What are you waiting for - what is your clan made of?
What you need to do
Check out the example designs we have linked in the news article
Once you’ve designed your logo, attach it to an email as a recognisable file (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG) and send it to
[email protected]
with the subject: Clan Logo Competition
- Feel free to enter as many times as you like!
Your entry must be your own work
Try to keep your logo relatively simple!
Include your RuneScape name with your entry.
The competition will close on 30th January 2011, make sure that you submit your entry by the end of this day!
To be eligible to win, you must have registered your email address. To do so,
click here
- All entries must comply with the RuneScape Rules , general Terms & Conditions and Competition Terms & Conditions
Your clan logo in-game!
- Your clan logo idea professionally rendered by a Jagex artist, signed and framed!
- Some Jagex goodies!
Entries will be judged by a panel of staff members from the graphics team. We'll announce our winners following the close of the competition on the 30th of January !
Don't forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page as we'll be posting a selection of entries for you to check out throughout the running of the competition.
Community Management

20-Dec-2010 15:26:57 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2011 08:29:11 by Mod Osborne