@Darth Malkor
The motifs or logos are made up of two symbols selected from a list of many and two colours selected from an HSL palette.
For an example of a complete logo/motif, take a look at the dev blog and the flag that we've been trying it out on.
Whilst we haven't decided exactly how many symbols we will be offering, I hoping it will be in the order of 50 or more, possibly in the hundreds. This gives 2500+ permutations simply in the symbols themselves, let alone when you start adding colours to the mix!
I'm also developing the system in a manner such that it will be simple to add more symbols after release, so even if we only start out with 30, we can build a whole library of more and more over time.
So yes, a unique logo/motif for each clan is a realistic expectation with two symbols and two colours.
Mod Maz
Senior Content Developer
Queen of the Squirrels
Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
RS Training & Developer Lead
20-Jan-2011 11:08:23