My thoughts about free trading
I have first played runescape in 2004. Very long ago, I was very young back then. And then it was really good. I could exchange items for another items without being warned of the trade limit. I could buy 100 law runes for 100K in f2p. I was happy, it was a good deal, because there wasn't else ways to get them, just from trading with members, who rarely came to sell their goods onto f2p servers. They had about 3K street price. Then later as even more members were there and even more made laws, the price started to reduce fast. I remember when I first bought my very own rune chainbody in Varrock w1, those were the good times.
My friend wanted to train his fishing, and I wanted to train my cooking. He gave me raw fishes, and for that I gave him bait, feathers, and money. If he wanted to give me 400 raw salmons now, for 90 gp each, and I wanted to pay with 1500 feathers (15gp?), and an addy kiteshield, we COULD NOT trade. But this bizzo would worth for both of us.
The only 'problem' of RS was the RWT (real world trading), remember? Well, I think, that stupid addicted noob who would spend hundreds of dollars for few million coins deserves to have no real money. He will loose his cash in PvP, later or sooner.
This WILL NOT lower the value of coins, because JaGeX had fully stopped using bots in the last years.
An item has 290 gp price and there are 90K trading traffic every day. State that a good merchanting clan can raise this item to 2-3K price in a short period. Then... lots of items would be impossible to buy?
But remember? So long ago, there were similar problems.
Now the comfortable player telees to GE and can buy every item he needs every day.
Wouldn't it better if players would have to PLAY for GETTING THAT ITEM that they couldn't buy via the GE?
Yes, it would!
Members must learn to reach their goals even if being alone.
26-Dec-2010 21:34:07