20-Jan-2011 23:50:38
This was actually a fair vote for everyone! ...
how is it fair.
first jagex tells all that arent wanting it, to not vote.
then they tell those that want it, to make mulitple accounts and vote on all of them. most pkers have dead accounts they can bring back to vote, plus make more.
considering that skillers, the ones that are the majority of those voting no, seldome have more than one account, and dont make more for no reason, its highly unlikely that many of the yes votes were duplicates.
its is highly likely that the majority of no votes were duplicates.
in a fair vote there would be no dupicates.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
21-Jan-2011 13:05:48