also if they do bring them back,
1) many more people will join
people = successful, successful = cash, cash = MORE RUNESCAPE
2) it would make the game much more fun
see my other post for info
3) make runescape like the ol' days, we would go back to our memories
90% voted yes in the first day and it hasnt changed why do you still keep the votes going? with over 700k so far, it's not going to change much by january i don't understand. me, as well as several other players, believe this is all just a hype, for some kind of record or something.
Well, I remember back a while ago when the Grand Exchange was brought back that alot of people just decided to quit. The Grand Exchange ruined the whole supply and demand market in the game. It made banks less useful because not only were they places to store and take items, they were also trading stations.
Back a while ago when Runescape 2 came out I was around 15 years old and my parents would actually buy me membership to this game because it does actually have good marketing skills that I could use in the real world. However the Grand Exchange threw that s**t out.
We won't see the Grand Exchange go away. However this referendum I hope it is fulfilled by Jagex because it is the closest thing we will see to the older Runescape that most of our were accustomed to. If the upper and lower prices are removed it would make alot of us happy in the fact that we could actually have the freedom to sell or buy at whatever price we desire.
these changes will be great, as far as the clues go they are supposed to be challenging not just a safe walk through wild like it is now, back in the day it was an adventure trying to finish your clue scroll sneaking past pk groups and such now its just a waste land. I hope this happens
Hello people !!!
First of all , i wud like to say howmuch I love Rs.
And I love the wildy and trade EVEN MORE !!!
that's why this update is soooo importamnt for me .I know this wildy is going to come , I know jagex loves us ( the 90% of the players )
You see , there are still people who don't apreciate the kindness of jagex and who still want to make it difficult for them . ( these bad ppl are better known as "the no-voters" (8%of the votes)) .
I wud liek you people to leave a message here to support JAGEX in first case and TO support the people who still have to vote .
Together we can do it !!!!!!!!
People who think that you can have the old wild but have restricted trade are either ignorant of how the old wild worked or are ignorant of that fact that a player could easily get around the trade restriction through the wild.
Really, people, please have some common sense before posting here. It's getting tiring watching the same mindless dribble over and over.
i think the current pvp system could work in all widerness, and leave free trade alone, maybe extend the limits a little.
as this change seems highly likely now, it would be nice to have some thing that would hide our dot on the map in the wilderness, or just hide all player dots in the wilderness.
that would give us more chance of sneaking past pkrs, and give pk groups more of a challenge.
the people who voted no are the only people who rnt being selfish and r thinking about people getting scammed and jagex becoming flooded with rwts
because thats bad 4 jagex and if they really wanted rwts they cud just ssell things on this website
howver they have repeatedly said that they think thisll ruin the game
i wonder why they even did the vote because i credit jagex with enough intelligence to see what thisll lead 2
its sad that 92% of the player base are so naive that they cant see this
and it doesnt actually matter what the vote leads to because no one can stop jagex from doing whatever they want
There is more to the game than making money, its all a fix anyway. Jagex I am disappointed at you, saying you want a referendum when you know you are going to bring it back anyway, it shows by the votes. I didn't realise you would lie so publicly...the votes have been the same since since before I voted. 90 for, 8 against and 2 doesn't care. The game is fine as it is and I did play when the old wildy was here and loved it when you did away with it. I don't see why you can't leave it as it is and if the pk'ers love getting the stuff people have, why not change the bounty worlds to that.