I am a long time player. My original account is now eight years old. I have been playing since classic was the only option. (Long time ago in a distant land..) I lost a lot of friends in-game due to the trade and wild updates. A lot went inactive, and a lot just quit altogether.
I know a few people who would be very willing to rejoin RuneScape again if the trade restriction was lifted. I miss being able to go from 2k to 5m in a day, using street smarts. I hate the fact that we are restricted in pricing. I loath waiting for days to buy a lot of one item.
As an older player, I am getting sick of the kids in this thread belly aching about removing the restrictions. Luring was not very common back in the day, people (ones with some form of intelligence) rarely were scammed, and the market was a lot more stable than this bull crap.
Back in the day, there was no GE. There weren't hundreds of people gathering together to manipulate the prices. Why? Well, it's certainly a lot harder to manipulate prices when you do not have a grand exchange forcing you to pay a certain amount for an item. (I did find it hilarious to login to one of my alts to find that the six amulet of accuracies I owned were worth 50k each.)
I believe that reason that Jagex is offering this option is simply because their restrictions have not worked. Simply put: the only affect it had on RWT was a slight increase in prices. A very slight increase. (I do monitor these sites to see if Jagex actually fixed anything.)
Botters have obviously not been affected by their restrictions. I doubt that bots had anything to do with the restrictions set in place.
All-in-all, I am very hopeful for the wild to come back. If it does, I may just have to wipe my friends list to make room for the new friends I find in the wild and such.
30-Dec-2010 08:08:45