Mindlessly slaying, watching the xp counter click, click. Perusing the forums for recent updates, future updates. Reading one response after another. Some amusing others just wasted space. Maintaining the magical dance of slaying one poor creature after another.
BOOM! Big rock falls close by. After further examination. Nothing interesting happens.
I would gather up all my clannies and mates and head to Varrock! We would help evacuate the towns people and save the Grand Exchange! After that, we would all travel to Falador and attempt to fit everyone into our grand Tier 5 citadel. After the confusion settled down, we would hold a town hall meeting and discuss how to save the rest of Runescape!
Road to 5.4!
I'd grab my cute pet rock from bank and then I will go to lumbridge beach party crater. With the help of my one and only pal the pet rock, I will slay the mighty Clawdia and then dive inside the lumbridge crater. Holding my breath and using my agility skills at it's best, I will go deep enough the lumbridge crater to gather
guthix's juice (as mod osborne called it in the latest livestream)
anima mundi's energy to empower my cute pet rock. After that I will go to catapult construction site north of Tyras Camp in Isafder and aim for the evil rocks falling from the sky. My godly cute pet rock would then destroy the evil rocks and my godly cute pet rock would clone itself to destroy the remaining evil rocks.
...the price of victory was too much.
My godly cute pet rock (weakened) suffers numerous
cracks and dies in my arms. *insert dramatic music here*
My pet rock saved us all, maybe nobody would remember him but he will always remain near and dear to me. :'(
R.I.P. Pet Rock: 2 November 2004 - 2 July 2015.
I cri evryteim ;_;
Add me in game
Rs player since 2009
02-Jul-2015 16:12:29
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02-Jul-2015 16:14:05
After realising that the rain turned into rocks and the floor shook viciously. I ran towards Falador, hiding underground amongst the dwarfs. Knowing that a mining pick would possibly be handy. I went to the Dwarven Mining Command Centre and listened to the plan for dealing with the aftermath of such crazy weather and natural disasters!
I would just head to the beach, sit on a deck chair and sip the remainder of my martinis. Why bother fighting when you can just sit back and enjoy the show, drunk of course.
an unknown figure, drifting through dreams...
Oh no! Time to run!
Wait, I just forgot to panic sell my wand!!! *Teleports to Prifddinas GE*
Now I can run and be safe. *Rides Shadow Drake to the clan Citadel*
Time to start a colony there since it's in the sky and won't be affected by the earthquake.
Mining Golds since Jan 2013
Former Wilderland Member from 2006 to 2014
Know your limitations, and then ignore them.
02-Jul-2015 17:41:06
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02-Jul-2015 17:41:41