when i first started playing this game many years ago, id say 5 or 6 years ago. i remember the best part was the orginal wild. i never had so much fun. the best part was being able to get what the people wore? i understand there are people out there that dont really know about the wild, neither did i when i got scammed. but you honestly gotta know its part of the game. its a learning experience. and if u loose some money it happens, now u leanred something. but why would i kill someone in the wild with lets say full verac, or something and then maybe get a rune plate? its just stupid. if i kill someone, and take the risk its because i want what they have. and vice versa. and this whole free trade? just made life that much better. and it made it that much funner trying to sell stuff, and being able to sell simple things to people if they where desperate for alota money. i beleive that it should just be back to the way it was when i first started seeing how i quit for a while because the wilderness and free trade were taken. and on top of that the G.E is great thing if u wana put something in to sell, then leave and not have to wait. it is a very good idea i agree, but im so sick of these people that can drop or raise the price when ever they want to. its horrible seeing how jagex was worried about people getting scammed? well these people are basically scamming everyone seeing how they control prices, and make all the money they want. its a horrible thing i beleive it should just go back, and the game would be so much better.
01-Jan-2011 23:00:39