the dungeons with the armoured zombies and the one unde edgeville that leads into other dungeons its hard to explain that one as it had that dungeon itslef but didnt have half the rooms with the monsters as a lot of them are slayer monsters and the chaos dwarf resource mine is also in that dungeon plus it leads all the way back into varrock dungeon.
The dungeon with the armored zombies in it is safe. You just have to go through the wild to get there.
The edgville dungeon was dangerous when the old wildy was around. It wasn't a problem then it shouldn't be a problem now.
I have no idea what the chaos dwarf resource mine it.
haos dwarf resource mine is in that edgville dungeon jsut past the entrace to wildy and it has a rannar respawn a irit resawn and 2 other herbs i never pick up it also has a load of chaos dwarfs and is a great place to take a macaw and kil things to get herbs if it became a pk zone people could go in and kill several people with 25 herbs on them all better than rannar e.t.c.
@ a r r v w x
Sorry if i got the name wrong. Anyways don't start off a post with lying. I tested you theory and i was easily able to vote twice on this one computer, Using two separate accounts. It's easily imaginable to believe that somewhere a very willful player created a bot or something to create accounts and Vote YES. I however am not saying this is the case, but i am also saying its probable.
@ maniac
Stop your lies?
No possible way you can have those statistics, your just thumb-sucking.
And even if that was true, if people spend they're time doing this even though they are with way more, doesn't this yet again prove how badly they all want wildy back?
That's dedication right there, people who are against the wilderness have the same option, yet the votes aren't rising.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
This is a serious thread.
There should be half of each world. This way people who want to be able to trade safely or fight in the wilderness without pvp can go to those worlds and the other worlds can be for trading without restrictions and pvp wilderness.
01-Jan-2011 18:32:54
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01-Jan-2011 18:33:21
Mainac Devil thats what im trying to ask lol im trying to find out what they mean when they say quest dungeons and mini games will be moved i.e whats staying and whats going lol