I'm really curious why Jagex has once again pitted players, that all seem to really want to play this game, against one another.
Why doesn't Jagex create and offer both systems. The current system of Runescape would continue unchanged and the new (or pre-2007) game would also be available. These two versions would run concurrent of one another.
Nothing whatsoever would be able to hop between these to systems other than the players themselves (just like entering Stealing creation). Other than the players themselves the systems would never be able to directly interact.
Make it known well in advance as to when it will happen and make every player choose. Your bank and all its contents will be permanently moved to the the game style you choose.
Split the worlds based on the voting % (or whatever works) into two gaming styles:
Wilderness and Free trade worlds - pre 2007 update
and post 2007 - as it is now.
There could be a portal that can take you between the two gaming styles that you can freely pass through but you can NEVER take anything with you other than your levels. You would have a bank in each system but the two game styles would function completely independently of one another.
This portal would be offered so players wouldn't be stuck in one system if they change their mind.
Jagex has the resources, They have the code and seem to be already working out the details.
Everyone is happy and there is no loss of paying players. If Jagex finds there are more players leaning to one style or the other they can simply adjust the number of worlds available to each.
I keep hearing things about how Jagex is struggling, how the game is dying and they are losing players. Why do anything to add to this problem if it really exists.
This seems like a logical solution and I'm sure it has been suggested previously, I just can't find any threads on it.
01-Jan-2011 17:08:27