@ basx exactly bro, noone warned us.
@xben thats the problem bro, you guys have had it too easy, it took away from the real challenge of the game. some people like the easymode-runescape, but the majority of us liked it when you had to earn your quest, not just buy them.
It is sad to read how some our palyers had crap childhood because they got scammed by trade or owned in pvp
FFs this is you fault if u get scammed... Be carefuly next time
also if they do bring them back,
1) many more people will join
people = successful, successful = cash, cash = MORE RUNESCAPE
2) it would make the game much more fun
see the post below for more info
3) make runescape like the ol' days, we would go back to our memories
when i went to the wildy, it was deserted, the wilderness means danger right! i mean if you don't want to pk then stay out of the wildy simple as that! as for the treasure trails well now it's more fun! and challenging! now i can go to wildy and laugh as 3 pkers follow me!
and the free trade, you have to be either 5 years old or really dumb to fall for a scam. heck, every game in the world has scams! IT'S ONLY NATURAL! also, it would make selling and buying a whole lot easier and fun, you would go to varrock and hear people say : selling dragon hatchet 2.8m!
selling dragon hatchet 2.3m!
and you would get torn apart between the prices and you can make bargains and stuff like that...
YES, do remove the trade-limits, it would make RS more fun.
Dude, people have to make a choice, I don't want to go in the Wildy with my clue-scroll, having the risk to get killed.
While doing a quest, I don't want to get killed. So lets make worlds where players can make a decision if they want to enter a world with of without Wildy.