The bounty/pvp worlds are by far not the same as the old wilderness. Not only i mean the drops or the eping, you can see the difference in the players aswell.
Back in the old days, people really respected eachother. People being glad to help out eachother, making armour for others, respected fighting in the wilderness.
Nowadays, all i see in Bounty/Pvp worlds isn't about respect at all.
It's about who can rush the best, that takes no skill, it's just luck. I see people running away for their armour, I see people saying things such as "gg nerd" or "smd kid".. that's no respecting eachother.
My point: There is a big difference between the old wilderness and the Bounty/Pvp worlds.
Thanks for reading,
01-Jan-2011 14:09:08