
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
arch my point is you already have bounty worlds which are the old wildy so why make ever world the old wildy why not jsut make more of them?
i like to pk i wouldnt say its my fav thing to do but i also like to go into wildy and jsut train and get pouches so when i want to pk i prefer to go on a pk world than into wildy i mean really how do u know how mnay people going to be in wildy?
on a pk world you know people are there to pk lol

01-Jan-2011 13:59:29



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
NoHempForYou i let you know i can hit with prayer and pot with a dds in void 250*2 = 500 hps gone so two of them could kill anyone and i have 720hp most people my level do so i could easily kill someone my level what you going on about plus it does posion damage
your more than welcome to come in my house (combat ring) and i show you

01-Jan-2011 14:02:16 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 14:05:58 by FredUp



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
omg fred your so annoying and so big idiot!
maybe you should go to bh world and see that its not old wilderness idiot.... Targets? not in old wild... 76k tricks for 1m+ loots? not in old wildy.... ags kill and no ags loot in bh world? no in old wilderness... you can only bank in edgeville bank**** or mage bank? not in old wild... in old wild you could bank any bank you liked... is there ppl pking at varrock anymore? no...... in old wilderness there was mostly always pkers at varrock.

01-Jan-2011 14:08:52

Arch NL

Arch NL

Posts: 367 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The bounty/pvp worlds are by far not the same as the old wilderness. Not only i mean the drops or the eping, you can see the difference in the players aswell.
Back in the old days, people really respected eachother. People being glad to help out eachother, making armour for others, respected fighting in the wilderness.
Nowadays, all i see in Bounty/Pvp worlds isn't about respect at all.
It's about who can rush the best, that takes no skill, it's just luck. I see people running away for their armour, I see people saying things such as "gg nerd" or "smd kid".. that's no respecting eachother.
My point: There is a big difference between the old wilderness and the Bounty/Pvp worlds.
Thanks for reading,

01-Jan-2011 14:09:08



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well my point i been trying to make is why not have old wildy worlds and the new one why make everyone have to change clearly some people want the old wildy some dont so make some worlds like the bounty worlds the old wildy and keep some worlds how they are now.
and people go on about ut how people used to respect one another but i been called an idiot a moron told i dont know what im doing and so on just as i have a diffrent view so much for respect lol.

01-Jan-2011 14:13:24

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01-Jan-2011 14:17:01



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
omg how many times do i have to say it i played classic i player killed i do know what it was like i rember rune battle axe being the ebs* weapon in game lol and mining with a normal pick and having to use a sleeping bag to rest.
every wonder why there so many bed thats as we used to have to rest after everything energy didnt just respwan itself.

you know why draynor market is there its becuase you used to have to go there to get coal and fish put into certificates so you could sell them the bank didnt do it for you.

people who think you can go back to the old wildy forget how many new weapons are around and spells and how one person with chimps can cause major damage to a whole group it wont be the same unless you mean taking all the new weapons away?
this is why i say bounty worlds are wildy as there like what a new wildy would be like.

01-Jan-2011 14:19:15

9 f

9 f

Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Archeoloog2 Ur damn right !
They dont know nothing about feelings/respect.
All i see who blames on this thread, are people who joined after 2007.
And they crying, what about green drags,what about clues ?!
We had clues/drags/kbd and so on.. before update in wilderness , no one cryed about them.
And whats the point of the game if its no risk , getting items with no risk ...
Just im angry how people blame who didnt felt those old times.

01-Jan-2011 14:19:54 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 14:20:16 by 9 f

Arch NL

Arch NL

Posts: 367 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"well my point i been trying to make is why not have old wildy worlds and the new one"
This wasn't around in the old days either, and i see no point in doing this. If you don't like to pk into the old wilderness, then just don't go there.
"why make everyone have to change clearly some people want the old wildy some dont so make some worlds like the bounty worlds the old wildy and keep some worlds how they are now."
This is why JaGeX made a poll to let us vote. If you don't like the idea of the wilderness coming back, click on the "No" button, and wait for the results.
Also, please use some interpunction, it's rather hard to read your messages without a single dot or comma.
Thanks for reading,

01-Jan-2011 14:21:59

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