Indeed, and Again The Reason For not seeing old school players is because they all left down to the 'Fact' they removed Free trading and Wildy, and half of you complaining about botting can come to a silence right now 90% of you level 138's botted your levels were not stupid, us older players Know for a fact how long it takes to get levels up and all you newer players are apearing and after a year or 18 months or so your level 138 with all this stuff, the only reason your moaning about this botting situation is because of the simple Fact you all did it your self and you dont want every one else to have the Glory of it,
2. Secondly i would like to say since they removed these 2 Main aspects of the game you dont see so many lower poorer players, every one you see is all topped out in levels and skills and mos players ranging from well 3 - 138 are Loaded, and it just spoils the game, were as if we bring it back there will be thousands of new players and the old era of the game will come once again, the old runescape feeling is wat we want.
01-Jan-2011 13:34:20