You'd get used to the new beacons just like you did with the first time they came out. It'd probably be easier the second time around, anyway, and don't base what you think off of the opinions of others, grow your own opinion when free trade and wilderness comes back.
@the Community
I've played runescape for quite a while, and I just have to say that I miss the wilderness and the free trading. Sure I got scammed or I was killed while doing a clue, but I think the old runescape was good regardless. Scamming, for the most part, is easy to avoid with the trade alerts Jagex made quite a time ago.(I.E. you put up something, then remove, it shows a red exclamation point where the item once was.) It just takes a little bit of patience to not get scammed, and you won't get hacked if you're not an absolute moron and put your ******** and username in another website. As for RWT, that stuff has been going on from the beginning, and it still goes on today, nothing can be done to stop it completely as Mod Osbourne said. The bots would get annoying, but that puts some fun into the game, report the bots and get em banned, and I'm quite sure Jagex knows where one bot is reported, others are sure to be there as well. We still play in a game that is controlled by "Merchanting" clans, I mean seriously, 70k+ for climbing boots? I remember when you could buy them from the old man atop the mountain for like... 300gp(foggy on the price of them)The best thing for everyone to do is to build a bridge and get over what's about to happen, because you know the update is going to go through.
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01-Jan-2011 13:21:19