
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1)lets try to clear this up you are not a noob for listing your opinion despite what people may say if you have a valid resson to vote a certian way.
also arguing that you must have only been playing a few months if you dont want wildy is kind of flawded
As why would you be reallly aginst somehting you don't even remember i would assume it's the people that rember all its flaws that dont want it.
to people saying we go on about how it will make things flawed to much and there will always be problems in games and scams.
yes your right but why make more for example :-
a) if you hack someone know you cant steal there itmes the worst you can do is drop them on the floor and anoy them.
if you hack someone with free trade you can trade all there itmems to a firend working with you.
b) if you bot now you gian experience faster and get slightly more money if you bring back free trade you can have as many bots as you want on as many acoutns as you can make that supply goods ot a main meaning you could make hundreds of millions a day by boting.
sights will be able to offer items for real money agian as they can trade them to you no probs.
c) if you bring back player killing in the wildy your making it harder for new playes that dont have god capes how they meant to get to levle 50 wildy?
or players that dont have huge prayer and want to go kill a few green dragons.
d) the whole point of the grand exchange was to keep prices stable and stop people exploting the market which is why theres limits to how many you can buy per days on things like trading sticks if free trade is open people can charge what they want for as many as they want.

3)Bounty worlds these are worlds with wildy player killing now for people that wanted to do it so why not make more of them and keep the rest how it is I mean why punish all the people that don't want it?

01-Jan-2011 12:41:18 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 12:55:12 by FredUp

God Engine
Feb Member 2021

God Engine

Posts: 448 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello All, I have Come to put My opinion Across here its something I Feel Very Strongly About.
1.I have played this game Since the Day Runescape 2 Was Released. and what annoys me the most here is all you players saying 'NO' to Bringing back Free Trade and Original wildy.
2. This is a Very Big disappointment, I realise All those Boycotting This Glorious Joy full moment are players that have only been a playing and a member of the community for 1 - 2 Years. And I will say and I am sure that the thousands of people that left and the few that still play Will agree that runescape is no longer runescape without these aspects of the game. yes there may be scamming and things like this but its ment to be there what is the point of having 100% safe proof game its not right and its boring, and I can assure you that if these Amazing Great Aspects of the game return Runescape Will Go massive on a global scale again this is wat we need and this is wat is right, you people are all complaining about wildy your just trying to manipulate the game to a easy standard for clues and money farming wat is the point and it infuriates me with players doing this, runescape will never be as famous or more played then it was when it was in its original Genre.
Thats all i have to say, I hope you can all Apreciate my opinion on this and my Feelings.
Happy New Year To all!

01-Jan-2011 12:55:14



Posts: 215 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@FredUp and all people who think in a similar fashion.
God capes were easy enough to get back when the wilderness was here (I should know, I managed it). Also, the point of the wilderness is that PKing balances out the amount of bots etc because the cash sync of mains is met by the amount of money lost and changing hands through people entering the wilderness.
Also, they said they would review wilderness places at the moment, so chances are that the chaos tunnels will have a new access point (or maybe more than one new one) too allow people to get to green dragons, chances are they'll also make the chaos tunnels non wilderness areas :)

Vote Yes for Free trade and the Wilderness!

01-Jan-2011 12:55:32



Posts: 215 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're right! The bigger this game becomes and more memberships that happen the better for the community, because more servers and in game content can be made at a faster rate.
Vote yes to the Wilderness and Free trade for this to happen

01-Jan-2011 12:57:17

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This goes for all of you failed 2k8-2k10 products/pve nerds.
Rwt and botting still happens today. Merch clans run rs.
in 07 players ran rs and yes there was rwt and botting but guess what.. it wasnt as bad as now.
With free trade you pay what you want and you sell items for what you want.. if you werent so fail ud know that.
As for old wild.. OMG theres a 1/1000 chance a pker might be at mage bank! guess what sir... 3 item or 4 item with prayer.. pkers dont attack non riskers and people who arent skulled.. quit bein a fail**** ran for 7+ years fine with clues in the wild etc. and OMG no botting at green drags no more? what are you stupid products gonna do?!?!?! wait.. whats that? learn to 2 legit rs? OMG KILL ME NOW.
Get serious you guys are ignorant and with there being this many votes and 90% being yes i very much so look forward to killing all of you who cry about this.
Good day, good fail, l2play rs.

01-Jan-2011 12:57:32

Lady Mym

Lady Mym

Posts: 1,518 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The first "vote" was flawed.
Anyone could enter anyones name.
I bet it was only about 100k pkers who really voted but just entered every name they could.
The second and current vote is not much better.
Free Trade and the Old Wilderness should be in separate votes.
You will notice how long its taking to get the vote over 1M again. I wonder how many new free accts pkers are making to stuff the "ballet box" in their favor.
I remember "free" trade. Standing in a bank trying to imitate an auto typer, trying to sell ore or herbs or whatever. I wasted too much time doing that. I like the trade limits for the most part. I love the Grand Exchange, it takes care of the selling letting me get on with the playing of the game. Could the trade limits be raised a bit? Perhaps, but what may be needed is to have each quest point increase the limit by bigger and bigger amounts. That would let serious players trade large amounts while keeping the begging down to 5k or so. I remember beggars asking for 1M or 10M too. Really don't want to see that again. But I would like to be able to give full rune to a free play friend who has done all the quests if I felt like it.
I remember the old wildy too, it was out of control. Pkers would kill anyone just for fun. Even if all you had was a bronze pick. It was a thuggish place that encouraged the worst in people.
In the current wildy when a revenant attacks if someone is killed others often repair or bless the grave. That is team behaviour and what Jagex should encourage.
But since it looks like Jagex is ignoring its skillers again I have to suggest that the revenants be repurposed. Have revenants attack anyone who is skulled, indeed anyone who attacks another player. Let the wildy be truely dangerous for everyone, pkers too!

01-Jan-2011 12:58:22

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hey mim you fail, the wild was always dangerous for pkers
before the time of products you had to worry about being out bridded.. there was not a single pker and i mean a SINGLE PKER who didnt know how to brid.. u know what happened to my first 10m made? i took it with me in mage bank and before i got inside i got killed.. u know what happened next? i took that kid for 22m..
Jagex doesnt ignore skillers or pkers, and this vote is fair.. U cant have free trade without the old and u cant have the old wild without free trade. they were taken away in a pair and they should be brought back in a pair.
Being that you admitted your a skiller you know nothing about being a pker so please dont talk about it, imho when it comes to the wild a skiller from 02 even is about as useful at a 2k8-2k10 product.
And look at soul in pain.. the best skiller ive ever seen in rs imho(although a log burner is catching up) they are both from old rs and they both managed.

01-Jan-2011 13:03:39 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 13:05:34 by CashPVM



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
okay now ive heard it all player killers dont kill people with 3 items did you ever play in wildy i mean seriously ever?
1) people with 3 items are considered weak easy kills and get picked on which lead to
people going in wildy with 3 items on but having full gear on them (in there inventory) so when you hit them, they swap as they want to look like an easy target and catch you by surprise.
which meants if you only have 3 items on people tend to gang up on you incase your doing this.
2) also if you dont have a skull on you people assume your not in wildy to player kill so you must have some other resson like a clue scroll or dragon bones or rune ores that they can *teal when they kill you.
3) clans dont care how many itmes you have on they see a person coming near them they charge and kill you its that simple.

01-Jan-2011 13:04:02 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 13:07:32 by FredUp



Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The most people Voting "No" is because they do not pk at all, or they have never seen the old wilderness The best Players of the game quited because of that or after that, The economy has been ruined after trade limit and Wilderness removal.
and no one realy cares about teh real world trading you should go check around on some websites there are till 1000 ways of Xfering the money.
And for the people which will go green dragons you can always go there with a teleport...
After the Removal of Wilderness and Trade limit RuneScape lost Thousends of Players which like 50% might return.
I say this is a good way for jagex to make more money and for the players the best thing you can do I think the most of you J-Mods like the Runescape from 2007 more than now.
I Vote Yes! Return Wilderness,Return Staking, Return RuneScape
And To MiM Only 100k Pkers? Well there are only like 100k players playing now there used to be 300k+

01-Jan-2011 13:05:25 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2011 13:08:46 by [#JAXT2NDR5]



Posts: 1,215 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I haven't been playing RuneScape since before 2007 so I don't know about the old Wilderness. However, I've seen people who lost everything in it and people who lost everything they own to a scammer. But for me, it would really mess up the All Fired Up Beacons, and that's why I don't want it back. Where would they go anyway?

01-Jan-2011 13:07:44

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