I'm not reading over 900 pages of posts. I'd waste a whole day reading repetitive rants and supports of the same thing.
Well, here goes nothing:
The petition was to bring awareness to the option of bringing back the wilderness. Not to determine whether to actually bring it back. The referendum IS to determine whether to bring it back or not. Jagex should put that as an announcement on the Runescape welcome screen (with the world select tab, friends tab, etc.) to alert players who have the game page in their favorites.
For those of you who are crying about botters, think about this: Jagex wouldn't bring back the wilderness and free trade if they weren't 100% sure they could detect and ban botters. Needless to say that trading 100M over from a level 3 noob account to a level 100 would be at least extremely suspicious.
PvP and Bounty worlds are useless at best - killing ten people with full rune and whips, only to get some ****ing adamant scimitar, is not even worth the two hours it took to do that. You're far too restricted with set prices, and anyone who thinks that they help with buying items may as well drop 20% of everything they have and ever earn, starting now.
Bringing the old wilderness back would basically bring the original intent of the wild back. Deny this and you haven't gone PKing before the trade limit was introduced. I guarantee you that.
Now please, stop b**ching about how this would suck, and actually put some thought into it.
Finally, the interesting part. 90% of the ~800k voters in the referendum say they want free trade back. 8% don't. How long has this been on for? 3 days straight? I'd say the majority of the voters (AKA active players) want it back, and it would be pretty lame if we had to wait until the 14th to hear the obvious announcement of "the trade limit has been removed! Wilderness PKing is back!"
Don't make me repeat myself in different words. It took ten minutes to type this up, and I *on't want to waste ten minutes again.
01-Jan-2011 10:38:55