As a player who played in 2005 (on a separate account) and then started playing more seriously in 2007 on this account, I would love to bring back free trade, and the wilderness! I have seen many people complaining on this forum that it would affect the G/E too much, but that is true, it would! But who cares? The G/E is extremely unfair cheating of the players. Jagex themselves said the G/E is a replication of the real world stock market, and since some players on RuneScape are so rich they can DECIDE themselves the price of an item by buying it out, which is completely wrong. Free trading would allow me to trade the money on several other accounts onto a new account giving me a good pile of money to have on a new character, which obviously I would not be able to do currently. I made the money, on 3 separate accounts, I should be able to trade it to whatever account of MINE, I want. I think free trade obviously may bring back RWT and botting, but the alternative is what? G/E? Jagex in their rules says it is breaking the rules to cheat a player on how much an item is worth, which is what people do on the G/E by 'merchanting.' I love free trading, please bring it back! It was a perfect nostalgia that I had of RuneScape back in 2005, and it has been lost now. Walking down the street in 2005 as a new player in mithril armor, happy I finally got it from the armorers in Varrock! Now I walk down the street with 99 fishing (saved up all my sharks to buy a Saradomin Godsword) and I see that people dedicated to raising the price of the Godsword for their OWN benifit so I can no longer afford it after months of being excited to get it. Really cheap.
As for the old wilderness I think there should be worlds like now. I love training at the druids in Edgeville dungeon, I shouldn't be afraid of suddenly being killed by a level 40 pure when I am just trying to train and earn a little money from the drops.
Em Mercedes
01-Jan-2011 05:49:16
- Last edited on
01-Jan-2011 05:54:21