I have to answer with an undivided yes on the unlimited trade.
I'm one of the people who is desparately waitig to give armour to the new players and other assorted items and amounts of gp.
When I first started runescape, I met up with my friend who convinced me to buy the game and he led me around runescape and bought me a full set of armour.
A few weeks later I helped a player gather chicken feathers just as a friendly thing, once again aided by the free trade and she became my first runescape friend and bought me a set of mithril armour, something I had no where near enough money to buy.
I personally think that the free trade is very important.
To me the worst thing that will come out of it is scamming, and you know what, you get over it, and learn from it, it's not the end of the world.
P.S. I also strongly recommend the addition of a tariff between the kingdoms of Kandarin and Asgarnia. I believe this would greatly help to improve the wellfare of both economies. thereby reducing inflation and creating more jobs for the citizens of runescape. I also believe that every citizen should be provided with a mule and 40 acres, of course this would only be awarded after the proper paperwork has been completed.
01-Jan-2011 02:31:34
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01-Jan-2011 02:48:27