Dear Jagex,
Thanks for acknowledging the fundamental role of runescape players, particularly paying members who put their money where there mouth is. My runescape playing experience began in 2006 and I have followed the progress Jagex have made to combat the reality of cheating/scamming that will always occur in the game, despite the very best efforts of Jagex staff to detect and stop this in-game, aniti-social behaviour.
Wilderness was removed and unlimited trading abolished: major game changes dedicated to combat cheating throughout the land of runescape. A decision that was met head first with protest. However, a series of updates followed to somewhat dampen this blow, including player assisting, lending of items and increased trade limits for long-term friendships.
It thus appears rather illogical of Jagex to suddenly renege on their commitment to protect the honest runescape players from the reality of scamming, real-world trading and auto-boting etc**
***-instating the wilderness and unlimited trading will essentially unravel the hard work already put in by Jagex staff and undo the progress made between the different sections of the Jagex community (staff, non-members and members) to accept and understand the reasons why Jagex HAD to respond to the dishonest game play in such a dramatic way.
I would most certainly like to see runescape progress towards something like the old wilderness and unlimited trade for the benefit of honest runescape players. At the same time, I also understand the logic of why this MUST be balanced against the dishonest people who abuse these privileges and cheat.
Rather than repeating history and going cold turkey on your members by simply re-instating wilderness and unlimited trading as quickly as you took it away - Is there room for continuing to improve these features of runescape, whilst still maintaining the balance between honest and dishonest gameplay? Ofcourse, a balance in favour of honest gameplay. Can we really pr
21-Dec-2010 22:04:28