I have a lot to say on this matter...
If this were more of a fair display of what RSers want... I'd be more content. As of now, it seems anyone can type in anyone's username in the voting page and get a result. My friend, who is strongly against the vote and what it may bring, was expressing his views publicly and had another player walk up from behind him and say "I just voted for you. You're welcome."
Also... What'll this do to all the great things that have been established and are wilderness-friendly? Stealing Creation is a place I know a lot of skillers use to help train their stats. Is the game's geography going to be completely redesigned so that such a place is skiller-friendly and not swarmed/guarded by Player Killers? The fact of the matter is, Runescape's grown around the circumstances it's been under since 07, and I personally think this growth is positive.
Free trade... will do a lot. =/
Wilderness PKing effects... Meh.
The above statements I could go on about for a full post's worth of text, but I'll leave it at saying that I'm a supporter of neither. Too many problems, and too little solutions in both.
We should be able to vote no.
We shouldn't have to worry about our opinions being alterred.
There should be more balance in the way a decision like this (that can change the way the game run* ultimately) goes.
21-Dec-2010 22:02:53