!!! god damn you dont open YOU eyes, tens of thousands of players quite in 07 tens of thousands!!! no-one cared then, players including myself have quite over the years as this game became more for 10 year olds than the general population, your trying to make 8% happy, how about the 90%? or maybe that 30% of players that quite? i think its there turn, and tht 8% will be 4% bc i gaurentee that half will love no limit and pking...
also arch i looked u up and u seem not to be on the hiscores so u must be a low level and u say uve been playing for years ur best stat is a lvl 42 or something.
but maybe u have a main im not sure.
*Sigh* a true Pro i dont care about being a mod also i am no child i by no means want to argue or fight i just want a scape that says what they want look il type below what im trying to stop
Forum do you like yellow
(bob) yellow yes I LOOOVE IT
(sara) your an idiot for likeing it
Thats what i mean rather then say why someone oppinion is rong try saying your oppinion and why you have that oppinion
like this
(bob) yellow yes I LOOOVE IT
(sara) i prefer pink but yellow is ok too
Thats what we should be doing for peat sake **t all this flaming
NOT EVERYONE CAN BE HAPPY!!!! that is impossible you cannot i repeat CANNOT make 100% of people happy, there for majority wins alright, im sorry about tht minority, but MAJORITY WINS!!!
you think a president would ever be elected if making 100% of people happy works?? no they wouldnt bc you cant
who wins presidency? the person with majority of votes?
sometimes its so close they do a recount, but majority always prevails...
There were 1.2M votes for a referendum IN A SINGLE DAY.
It's been about a week and we haven't even hit 800k yet.
If we don't hit 1.2M yes votes (which in total would mean about 1.4M votes, given including no-votes), that could be reason enough to Jagex to ignore the outcome of this and not change anything. They'd have a small uprising on their hands if they did ignore it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.
I'm just trying to argue against the people who seem dead set that Runescape will magically become the way it used to be overnight if this happens. That won't be the case and there are a lot of things that need to be considered.
For better or worse, the game's changed a lot the past few years since the removal of free trade/wildy and those changes have to be factored into any reintroduction of anything.
hey i dont like the women but stats dont prove anything, look at my stats im a vet from 05 ive had probly 10 good acounts all banned or i gave them away to friends when i quite....
so you really cant go off of stats :/
haha ARCHKANAS as anyone whos played before 07 obviously understands, you have not yet had the pleasure of free trade and old wildy. So, clearly your feeble mind cannot comprehend the pleasures they bring to Runescape. Maybe once the update is here and old RS is re-introduced you can stop crying because you will understand the pelasure. But, since your probably poor and have extremely low stats, you might not, either way, STOP CRYING, you sound like a child.