I agree with Kamquat. All you players who are sissy and afraid of the original wilderness coming back, i have a few words for you. Most of you who i am directing this comment at started playing runescape after december 12 , 2007. Before the beloved free trade and wilderness were removed, the wilderness was a dangerous area in which players could attack each other for their loot on EVERY world. And this was the ONLY place in runescape where you could kill another player for their loot (not including duel arena, which gives you the option to stake). So no, they are not going to exclude the dangeroues wilderness from certain worlds, if and when they bring it back! You have the entire runescape world to schlep around and runecraft and mine. Plus adding a little risk to skilling in one small area (in context of all of runescape) will drive the prices of certain items up, increasing your profits. So stop complaining about how you will get pillaged and barraged once you step foot in the wilderness! It is actually rather safe I must say up to the higher levels. And if you are so afraid of pkers waiting for you to cross the ditch, then go somewhere else. The wilderness isn't the ONLY place where clue scrolls, runecrafting, mining, and minigames take place. Runescape is a huge world, so take advantage of it and stop crying because one small area of it might become dangerous again. If players lived with it back in the day for so long, then so can you! And in my opinion, runescape was a heck of a lot funner, easier to make money, and merchant back in pre-pvp/trade limit times. So with this little piece of my mind, vote wisely, and stop trolling.
31-Dec-2010 20:50:20