@Amara Star
The flaw is that some people are more concerned with getting babied by having "faster exp with no disadvantages or risks." rather than actually having to perhaps accept that playing Runescape on easy mode may not be possible at some point.
The idea behind gaining exp in the Wildy originally was designed to mean you got better exp but at the price of getting pked. If you couldn't accept that risk, you ought to go train somewhere safe even though the exp is lower. If significantly better exp is your goal, then you ought to prepare to take the risk that you could get pked. No one will force you to train in the wilderness, there will be other options. If that's not enough for you, then that's the reason you don't have the levels in the skills that you want. Levels ought to be earned, not handed freely to you on a silver platter. Many others can get the levels via other means, if they can, you can too.
Not all pkers are interested in killing low level targets, some do actually go for the challenge. Admittedly, you are right, there are pkers who will kill anyone to "feel good." but in contrast, there are anti pkers who only will attack skulled pkers. Not everyone you meet in the wilderness would attack some unarmed level 50, there's no challenge in that. If some pkers wish to do so, that's their choice but personally, I will stick by the honour of anti pking; the pking of skulled pkers.
31-Dec-2010 18:46:42