I think this is a desperate attempt by jagex to get new customers, and get back old players that quit.
Jagex has none nothing to get rid of bots, and the report abuse system doesn't do much.
There will be botters!
what about the things in the wildy? where will you put the king black dragon? the chaos elemental???? make a new area? add a new part to the world map??? Or, get rid of them....
after all you've done with the trade limit, and against real-world trading.... why revert it??
The poll is rigged. you couldn't vote no at the first stage... I accidentally voted yes.
And the refrendum has been Yes: 90% No: 8% dont care: 2% ever since the second day.....
I have been faithful to runescape for almost 2 years now...
I play every day.
I might quit, and go to World of Warcraft if this happens.
31-Dec-2010 16:37:30