I've been playing Runescape for years, since about 2005 if I remember correctly, and I practically lived for this game. The wilderness update back in 2007 shocked me, I never saw it coming, nor did I think it was a good choice. At the time, botting wasn't a problem to me, it was annoying, but it didn't affect me much. Pking, on the other hand, directly affected everybody. It was fun and risky, and one of the only activities in Runescape that actually gave you a little bit of an adrenaline rush. As soon as the update hit, my friends and I all agreed that Jagex just shot themselves in the foot. I can't think of anybody who quite playing Runescape because there were so many botters, but how many know more people who quite than they can count on their fingers, just over the 2007 update? On the other hand, it has brought the economy and more a lot of stability, making money is something that can happen with some elbow grease and a little luck, rather than grinding and item farming. a majority of botters seem completely gone, and there is much less incentive to hack an account, now that it is so hard to transfer items and money. I like the stability we have now, but crave the old wildy, one where you don't get annoyed and piled by 3 revenant knights when you use the Ardougne teleport, seriously? How can you replace the fun risk of a loot-hauling pker with a ghost that tele-blocks, loot-blocks, and fun-blocks you? They don't drop loot, but they always seem to be around when you need to teleport, or do a coordinate clue. Bring the wildy and free trade back, but do it in a way that makes people behave. maybe test the waters and bring wildy back for six months, than take a survey to see how people feel about it. it's been 3 years, and there's a new Runescape generation of players, many of whom can't even tell you what free trade was like, so be careful with this, because the last major update didn't seem to go down to well for anybody
31-Dec-2010 06:08:25