I think both sides are doing the flaming. I respect the other voters' opinions, though I disagree. I find it unnecessary to be yelling and calling them stupid because of a different belief on something, even though so many are doing it.
when i call them stupid it isnt bc there belief its bc of there reasoning and how nieve they are, and how they have no idea what they are talking about
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly to where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
Some of them, yes, but some are simply stating an argument which I counter-argue. I respect that, until they start making stuff up. That's where you're right.
Well prices went up a lot when the GE was introduced and free trade taken away, so the reverse will happen now. Simple economics, no big deal.
Oh and the wild wasn't meant to be safe. That's the ENTIRE POINT.
31-Dec-2010 02:57:09
- Last edited on
31-Dec-2010 02:57:39
Not Bad
Tbh all you people who said "no"
Go play a different game guys, if you don't like what jagex is doing leave because most of RS players loved the old wildy and free trade...
Don't cry about luring, and scams or BOTTERS
they dont concern you, they dont harm you why cry about it LOL?..
maybe your against it cause you want to be the best , dont like people cheating ..? dont play, report is there for a reason.? did you know that or didn't you see it.
Out of my 5 years of playing runescape i have watched it grow to be a massive game from being level 30.. strugling to find 1000gp to having a main that would k0 kree, with over 100mil made in GWD alone ive explored the whole game and i know alot about this game and all the tacts involved.
Old wildy is something that will remind me of the old times . HAHA...
as of free trade tbh that dosnt change anything to me its just another reason for people to scam , once again it dosnt concern me so im not gonna cry
i hope your joking right? im sorry i terrible at readying type sarcasism if you are lol
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly to where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
The first thing that I would like to say is that I have never used these forums before until I saw this thread.After reading through the first few pages I could tell that the mods hate this idea or bringing the Wilderness and Free trade back.They think scammers will come back and start scamming more.Well I would like to inform you that people still scam and it will always be happening. Something good that can come out of the wilderness is that you stop people from 76k/26k trioing.Before you needed 2 people now it works with 3 people.A kills B,B kills C,C kills A. Bringing back wilderness will completely stop that from happening and is a total move in the right direction as it will boost the economy.Now for free trade.Yes people will be scammed and I have previously lost so much cash on other accounts I cant even remember but it was all my fault.If you are that god damn stupid to play a trust game then its your fault.If you are that god damn stupid to not look at the 2nd trade screen or the flashing ! after something has been removed that is your own stupidity for being scammed.I dont see any argument that can contradict what I just said. I dont know how Jagex hasnt noticed the decrease in players the past few years.Wilderness and Free trade needs to come back.You will INSTANTLY see a player increase since all of the players who resort to Runescape Private Servers for classic wilderness will come back to runescape thus causing Jagex to make more money.I see no reason why anybody should be against this update.I also dont see the reason why mods dont support this update maybe because it means more work for them.
Wilderness - Brings back loads of players who have resorted to runescape private servers and stops 76k trioing.
Free Trade - Why not have it.If your stupid enough to get scammed then its your own fault dont blame anyone else it was your stupidity.
If its a hoax - You loose way more players then you did last time because people will be ****** off hoax = riot.
ima just sit back and monitor like before I havent really flammed yet i dont think.
I was the one saying to calm down a while ago good luck with the fight. we already won. all we gotta do now is enslave the survivors.