Ohhhhhh lord please bring free trade back people should have some sense... dont do anything stupid and you wont gett spammed if you go out in the wildy be safe lol... i think if you brought it back i bett you more people would play everyone wanted it you saww all of the riots and things they did in runescape i begg you please bring it back.
Thank you
i agree with the fact that we need a seperate voting system for wildness or free trade or both. I personally want wilderness the same {cause pvp is what killing eachother is for}but, trade limit needs to go bye bye.
31-Dec-2010 01:29:17
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31-Dec-2010 01:30:25
@Bisket Right now 155,000 are online If they brought free trade back I bet you my account.... both of my acc's Main and pure that it will rise up to 500,000 online users.
HMMM, true thanks for replying that is true but they would have to use 2 computers to transfer their gold to 1 account but thats not a big problem. At least you explain yourself thank you sir.
To Serenata:
You bring up a good point. I envision players lining up along the wildy border tryint to do their free trade in order to avoid being killed and losing their loot and/or item to the higher level player/skiller.
I just wish Jagex and Mod Osborne would have thought this through better before combining all these changes into one vote. Its not creating a fun, playing field for those of us who would rather not engage in PvP.
The Wildy has enough challenges from Revs! Why couldn't they just 'magnify' the existing Bounty/PvP worlds with greater enhancements for these things.......
Create a FREE Trade world like the Trading Worlds already in existence.