i have to say it isnt totaly fair voting, not enough people know, this should be the first thing on homepage, not a little xmas event
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
Im probably gonna seem like a complete and utter noob here, but can someone explain to me what goldfarming is? It apears I am not in the loop, so to speak.
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
Motto 2 - As long as its possible not to do it, you don't have to do it.
ohh yeah lmao apoligies on spelling im not looking to closely, if i do 3 pages will be added by my post
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
I totally agree with comments above. I started playing rs right after my 11th birthday in 05.
And I'm not gonna lie to you, all the scams I fell for back then, were because of my gullable innocence as a 11 and 12 year old. And I don't regret being scammed because it actually taught me a valuable lesson of not being taken advantage of and needing to be knowledgable of things so I can make my own decisions.
Now that I'm older. I can't wait for my old rs experience back but only this time, I'll have much more fun with it and I won't be the gullable 12 year old I was last time I experienced the "Good Ol' Runescape Days".
goldfarming= a person(s) autos anything from picking flax to cuting mages, generally they have 10 or so accounts running **motaniously, the person then puts money on one account and sells it to people via websites for real money...
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
30-Dec-2010 16:42:31
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 16:43:04
A True Pr0