I did not vote for the return of the wild or free trade. When you took away the danger of the wild except for the revs, I was happy, you kept pvp worlds and bounty hunter worlds. You could make more of these for the people who want the old wild back. I agree with what I have read about if the old wild comes back we can't do the hard clue scrolls nor can we find penguins in the wild.
I am one that will quit playing if you bring the old wild back. I love to do quests and play the game, but when quests take you into the wild and it was the old way, I never liked doing them. I have the quest cape and have not finished this latest quest, but it will have been a waste of gp to have bought the quest cape if you bring back the old wild. It has been going well the way it is. The people who are voting for it, you can put in more pvp worlds and/or change enough worlds to the old wild that will accomodate the people who want the old wild. But for us who do not like it, what about us? Do we not get the kind of world we like or are you going to give the old wild people all the rights. No matter which is the majority/minority, can't you please us both with the different kinds of worlds. Don't spoil it now.
As I said if you restore the old wild and do not have "safe" worlds with only the revs and monsters out there in the wilderness, I will cancel membership and not play anymore. I lost enough in the wild before trying to do quests and now with the beacon run would stand to lose more, that I will not risk it. You will take away the fun and enjoyment of the game I have learned to love.
Just a suggestion, make it both ways and keep us all happy. If we don't want to play on a wild free for all world, we should have that choice.
Thank you for listening to my opinion.
21-Dec-2010 21:19:26